Giving bankers our money to help them to keep the country solvent - TopicsExpress


Giving bankers our money to help them to keep the country solvent has been the biggest fraud since...(fill in the blank).....then turning around and crippling millions with forced purchases of health care insurance that is proving to be as big a fraud? Ignoring Benghazi, IRS Lois Lerner scandal, our boarder patrol agents being silenced, our borders left open as a bucket, NSA scandal, ....I mean when you cut the balls off the Associated Press have something to crow about it...and look how they behave today as a result... There is no free press. There is an entire global cabal that controls the press to the point that the one line voice of dissent (Fox) is demonized for being that ONE LONE VOICE. I dont watch any of them but it amazes and bemuses me that one side screams SO loud and in such a vitriolic manner to anyone or anything with an opposing view they want them stomped out and destroyed. What we have in our individual states is nothing more than a complete and utter fraud imposed on the populace by corporations who can get away with not paying taxes because they lined the pockets of all the politicos who could hp them. I watch good people...REALLY good people go into public service only to be sliced, diced and served up in a huge pot of ridicule so the international banking community, the national banks and the war machines can continue their domination over people who just want to keep their iPhones and sweet rides. Please oh please my darling fellow humans across the globe...stop buying into the status quo!! We have been had since day one! There have always been wars and most likely ways will be until mothers and fathers lock, load and say... Not my son...and not with my money for your own greed. we are done with this. The parents world wide who can do this?....they will be the greatest generation. No more fear mongering. Stop being a victim. Dont look to your governments to save you or fix anything...when you do that you give them power and release your own power and freedoms. Teach your children to fight for themselves on a constitutional level, on a legal level, on a self defense level and on an offensive level...from the time they can reason and understand. Teach them self defense...physical and what EVER means...give them the gift of individual strength through knowledge and physical and mental superiority. Teach them grace and appreciation for that very gift of their freedom...teach them to tap into their own guidance system to know who is friend and who is foe. Good people with honor, self respect and respect for their fellow man will emerge victorious...and in peace as a result. In my 61 years I have watched atrocities abound...watched honorable men oft themselves to save their family enterprises...watched as true hearted simple individuals caved into the pressure of the popular trend to just get by...and it broke my heart. We have been fighting poverty and human weakness of addiction since the Dawn of man...we will always have these problems because there are those amongst us who come to earth as victims to teach is how to deal with it.....and we keep failing ourselves and them. We dont demand that they TRY...and try again and again until they succeed....instead we try to guilt our fellow man into making it go away by buying their problems off...and inn the end claim well we gave money and we taxed our neighbors into submission....right. It applies to every single area...paid sick leave? How does your boss...who built a small business ...plan for you to be sick because the fly was going around? He has to pay you for that? I say happens. Have a savings account for the emergencies everyone has in life. You are expecting a baby and think your boss (be it independent business man/woman) should provide a replacement for you and hold your job because you had this happen or even...planned for it? There are consequences for each decision you make in life...and unless you are willing to take responsibility for those one else should be put upon for them. Truly. If WE all said to you...hey...I decided to have a procedure that isnt quite life saving...or vital...and Im going to ask you to pay for it....what would truly be your reaction? I can tell you for sure...not positive. I guess what Im saying is...your own personal choices in your life are going to affect everyone else....locally....or globally..... If you think you can skate through life letting me and your neighbors pay for your bad decisions?....yea...Im gonna have a huge issue with you..... We are all in this together and we are being played my friends....on a Universal scale....
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:59:41 +0000

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