Giving up what is beyond our control to embrace what we can - TopicsExpress


Giving up what is beyond our control to embrace what we can change. Know someone who hangs onto past hurts and pain like a badge of honor? Like every time you are around them you can predict with great accuracy what they will say, talk about, reflect on? And that it will be negative? Doesnt that seem like the most horrible way to live? Maybe you dont know anyone like this but maybe you find that your self talk is always beating yourself up about past mistakes...failures.... or you just find it so so hard to let go of something someone said or did that just hurt you to the very core of your being..? God is whispering to us today to let it go to step into the radiant future he has planned for step away from what was, your hurts, your failures and to see yourself the way he sees you, the way he designed you to be. He wants us to know that we are not our failures.....We are not what someone else says we are, we are who he says we are! There are so many things we can change, we can do in life...but we first have to let go of the things and people that we cant. The good news is we dont have to do it on our own. He wants to help us. He promises if we ask and fully give it to him, that he will. You may have been hurt and lied to but he will never lie to you, never. There is true freedom when we claim and stand on his promises. Love todays devotion :-) -T & B -Suzie Eller/Proverbs 31 Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJV) Three-year-old Elle arched her arm and pointed her fingers. Youre frozen, Gaga! I stopped in place, one arm behind me, the other in the air. She giggled, then quickly unfroze me. If you are in the vicinity of anyone under the age of 6, youre familiar with the movie, Frozen. In it, two sisters struggle in their relationship with each other and in finding acceptance. At one point Elsa, the older sister, sings these words: Let it go, let it go ... And Ill rise like the break of dawn ... Let it go. Those are words I sensed God speaking to me years ago. Let go of the past that you cannot undo. Let go of the warped view you have of yourself. It doesnt match the one I have as your Heavenly Father. Let go of the hurts that hold you too tightly. Just as I playfully stood frozen while my granddaughter giggled, there was another time when I felt frozen. I couldnt take a step toward healing. Let it go, sweet daughter, was a whisper I heard from God to discover the Suzie He saw me to be. Maybe youve sensed God asking you to let something — or someone — go. Let go of the mistakes you once made. Ive forgiven you. Let go of the anger thats consuming your thoughts. Let go of condemnation, so you can live free. You want that desperately, but it can be hard to let go when you dont know what that means. May I share the definition of letting go with you? It was freeing for me when I finally understood it. Letting go is giving up what is beyond your control to embrace what you can change. In Isaiah 43:18-19, God spoke to His people through the prophet Isaiah saying: Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert. The people held so tightly to the past that they missed the new things God wanted to show them. God speaks the same warning and truth to us. We cant control the past, but we can focus on the miracles around us today. We cant control the words that once shaped our hearts, but we can replace them with truth from Scripture. We cant control negative people, but we can choose joy for ourselves. Letting go isnt easy in the beginning, because holding on is our natural response. But theres so much hope! Just as the prophet Isaiah describes new roads in the desert and rivers in the wilderness, as we give up what we cant control to embrace what we can change, new ways of thinking, relating and living are carved into our very being. And the beautiful thing about letting go? It doesnt just change us. It has the power to alter the next generation, and the next after that, like the cute little blonde-haired, blue-eyed darling chasing her Gaga through the house, singing, Let it go!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 11:08:59 +0000

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