Glad another independent business owner can chime in! Thank you - TopicsExpress


Glad another independent business owner can chime in! Thank you Jennifer Dixon! Rebecca Rowe Jessica Taylor Marshall Ray Hardman Barbara Gardner Hardman Melisa Abbott Greenburg. Kathleen Penner Trina Olsen Chris Werth Lisa Pyne Bjornberg Somebody once told me that trying to take back words already spoken is like ripping open a feather pillow and trying to put all the feathers back in once they have been spilled…nearly impossible. It seems that people in this age of technology don’t realize the power of words and feel compelled to spread their opinions/judgments across social media without giving any thought to the repercussions. Without having any facts, they make harsh comments or cast judgment on total strangers all while sitting in the comfort of their own environment, hiding behind their computer screens or smartphones. As some of you may know, my mother is a therapist and owns a mental health clinic. It has come to my attention that a woman has been posting slanderous comments on her personal Facebook page about my mother’s agency and also specifically targeting a therapist that works there. She is telling people to spread the word that the agency is horrible and that the people that work there are awful. I realize that this woman is entitled to her opinion. Her allegations are not what concern me but the responses by her friends are. They are making serious allegations against people without having any facts! It amazes me that total strangers are so cruel to people whom they have never met all because one person told them to be! Have they forgotten that they are people and not sheep and that they should not follow only because they are told? What has happened to personal integrity and accountability? When did it become okay to destroy other people’s lives simply because you felt compelled to make a comment on social media? I don’t think people understand that once you type something on Facebook, twitter or Instagram you can’t take it back and once Pandora’s box has been opened it is difficult if not impossible to close. Maybe they do and they just don’t care because they have zero empathy for people other than themselves? It is easy for people to say “Shut that place down” or “she should never counsel again” in black and white on a screen but could they say it in person? Will they look these people in the eye and tell them that they want them to be unemployed and they hope that their livelihoods are taken away all because one of their friends got angry and told them they should feel that way? What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty and more importantly what ever happened to making judgments based on facts rather than opinions? Perhaps people do not realize that making slanderous comments specifically attacking someone’s livelihood without any proof is against the law? Jessica Taylor please do not spread information about my mother that is not factual. I am fairly certain that your previous employers did not include you in their legal proceedings. Have you met my mother? Do you know her well enough to say that she is ridiculous? And why would you want her business shut down? You do realize that she has employees and that her closing down would affect them and their families? That is horrible to wish upon anybody, especially at this time of year! Marshall Ray Hardman a police report has been filed for the threat you made against Whitney and my mother’s agency. Melisa Abbott Greenburg you are correct, word of mouth is like wildfire so why would you spread detrimental information about people without knowing whether or not it is true? Barbara Gardner Hardman as a business owner my mother does take the “high road” and if/when an employee violates the law then she will fire them, however, she also values the people that work for her and does not fire somebody based on allegations made by angry people. She operates on fact and not opinion. If you are concerned with her business practices then you should address those concerns with an attorney or somewhere other than Facebook. Clearly the “days of being the nice guy are over” as you so eloquently stated when you said that you hoped “the federal government nails her ass to the wall”. Did she or Whitney ever do anything to you personally or do you wish this much ill will on everybody you don’t know? Kathleen Penner I’m not sure of the information that you think she shared but I don’t think that you know enough to judge whether or not she is able to see clients but maybe I am wrong. Perhaps you work for the ACA and investigate claims regarding ethics? For all of you that have spread gossip about my mother and Whitney please familiarize yourselves with Idaho Statute 18-4801 before you continue to make such cruel, hurtful comments about people that have done nothing to you. I would also like to educate people on HIPAA not HIPPA. It stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act so when you decide to make judgments and use this as your weapon you will have a stronger argument if you understand it well enough to get the acronym correct. Here is a link to further educate yourselves…/privacy/hipaa/understanding/index.html For all of you that keep spreading negative things about my mother’s business or about Whitney please do so only if you can support it with facts. If you don’t have facts yet continue to defame them then you too are breaking laws and perhaps should consult attorneys. If you are making comments out of pure maliciousness then please try and remember that you are not only hurting my mother and Whitney but also their families and coworkers who, more than likely, have never done anything to you. Why spread more negativity in a world where we are bombarded by it every day? If you feel compelled to post comments about people then make them positive ones. Make a difference through kindness, respect, and gratitude. Try and bring people up rather than tearing them down. Words are powerful. Use them to promote positivity and happiness. Let those words that empower people resonate throughout social media because your comments represent you as much as your profile picture does. Would you choose a profile picture that you felt made you look ugly and mean? Your comments should be chosen just as carefully as your cover photos. To my friends that have read through this entire post thank you! I feel I must defend my mother, her business and Whitney against this sniper attack and the best way I can think to do it is through technology. Now, go give your loved ones a hug and let them know they are special. Hold a door open for a stranger and smile and be kind to the people that you come across during your day. These are the things that matter.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 18:01:49 +0000

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