Glasgow; Second City of The Empire London’s, Kensington & - TopicsExpress


Glasgow; Second City of The Empire London’s, Kensington & Chelsea has the UK’s highest life expectancy at birth, 84.4 years for men and 89.0 years for women Scotland’s, Greater Glasgow & Clyde had the lowest life expectancy 73.1 for men and 78.9 years for women It is even worse in a small pocket of Glasgow known as the Calton, where the World Health Organisation (WHO) puts average male life expectancy at 54). In Iraq the life expectancy of a male there is 67.49. In Iran it is 69.96, in North Korea, 71.37 and in the Gaza Strip it is 70.5. This lead me to make a few trips up to Kightsbridge, Mayfair and Chelsea last month. Totally different world from what most Glaswegians would see. So i thought i would take photies for them.... As Irvine Welsh says, Sept 18th is a very small but important step in that process. A ‘yes’ vote won’t deliver the kind of society people aspire to any more than a ‘no’ vote will derail the aspiration towards it, but it will be a setback to a reactionary UK state, that has promoted little but elitism, hierarchy and the transnational superrich, at the expense of democracy. I say.... Dont bottle it on Thursday.... David Cameron faces Tory bloodbath that means you get Boris on Friday! Also because of pandering to these arab clowns and the like is why the house prices are up in London..... “Go to Glasgow and tell them that Britain is booming again and the notion wull be greeted wi a hollow roar. Tell the folks in Greenock that the housing market has caught fire and they will assume that yer aff yer heid.” The oil-rich country NORWAY nationalised this natural resource in 1972...........According to consulting firm PFC Energy, only 7% of the worlds estimated oil and gas reserves are in countries that allow private international companies free rein. Fully 65% are in the hands of state-owned companies such as Saudi Aramco, with the rest in countries such as Russia and Venezuela, where access by Western companies is difficult. The PFC study implies political groups unfavorable to capitalism in some countries tend to limit oil production increases in Mexico, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and Russia. Saudi Arabia is also limiting capacity expansion, but because of a self-imposed cap, unlike the other countries. Be shopping like these clowns down Sauchiehall Street soon.....2 legs better and all that!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 15:00:57 +0000

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