Glenn Beck’s recent speech at the Tea Party IRS and immigration - TopicsExpress


Glenn Beck’s recent speech at the Tea Party IRS and immigration protest in Washington DC was a historical moment in the civil rights movement. I wish more people had access to all the speeches. No main stream media attended. NONE. Nearly 20,000 people attended, and there was no mainstream press. You could only watch all speakers on CSPAN3 or live stream the Tea Party Patriots web site. I posted the transcript of Glenn Beck’s entire speech on Facebook early Thursday. You can read the transcript. It was definitely a powerful message. The disturbing part of this experience was how the Capitol police treated the entire event. The police ordered one conference, the IRS issue, on the North of the capitol, and the immigration issue on the south side. Our representatives divided the crowd which was interested in both issues. Many of these people traveled in cars for many hours to stand at the Capitol steps and protest. They were not welcomed and they were only allowed to do half of the job they came to do. The police fenced in both areas and instructed CITIZENS not to leave their area to travel between rallies or they would be arrested. It became illegal to walk on the public sidewalk. Tea Party member were not allowed to attend both events. They were separated intentionally and they were intimidated for standing up and disapproving of the way we do business in our capitol. Seriously, is this even legal? Is this the same government that denied persecuting the tea party at the IRS? The police also called leaders of the Tea Party and instructed them to control their crowds or they would be arrested. Peaceful citizens are being treated with disrespect and intimidated by the very government they provide. It is time to make DC aware of the Civil Rights crimes they are committing. You heard me. My government is violating my civil rights. They have forgotten that the constitution was written to limit the government and to keep them out of my house, my church, my private business. My government is here to provide protection under our laws. There are not here to continually find exceptions and ways around our laws. They continue to pass more laws that take more of our money and give them more power, but they are refuse to enforce the laws we already have. (like building the fence, already the law) They reward those who do not follow the laws. What good reason could they have for writing more? We are destroying all of the morals and values that have made this country great and exceptional. We are killing opportunity of entrepreneurs and we are burning the bridges between the middle class and the wealthy. Power will soon be held by one class only. Politicians and the uber-rich, Republicans and Democrats are all on the same path. They have forgotten the real reason they are in office. They are drunk with power and money. It is time for the intervention and sobriety!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 04:03:13 +0000

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