Global Agenda Council on Poverty & Sustainable Development - TopicsExpress


Global Agenda Council on Poverty & Sustainable Development 2012-2014 The challenge The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been the central reference point for global development since they were established in 2000. They set a compelling agenda to cut many forms of extreme poverty in half by 2015 and have helped to foster many development breakthroughs. But the MDGs mark only a halfway point, and the development community at large is now preparing for the post-2015 era. In September 2013, following two years during which the United Nations led hundreds of consultations and solicited feedback from virtually all development actors, the UN General Assembly adopted the Outcome Document of the Special Event to follow up efforts made towards achieving the MDGs. This represented a major milestone. The document clarifies policy ambitions for the international community and establishes priorities for a policy process through September 2015. What the Council is doing about it Since 2011, the Global Agenda Council on Poverty & Sustainable Development has helped to design, organize and host over a dozen official and private sessions at the Forum’s global and regional meetings. The sessions aimed at informing, facilitating and building support for a successful bridge from the MDGs to the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. The Council also contributed several policy papers and opinion pieces, including the policy paper, Getting to Zero: Finishing the Job the MDGs Started. “The MDGs mark only a halfway point, and the development community at large is now preparing for the post-2015 era.” The Council will continue to support multistakeholder contributions to critical aspects of the evolving debate. It will provide support to the intergovernmental process and broader constituencies around the world in various areas, through policy briefs and high-level policy dialogues. Specifically, it will support the efforts towards an agreement on financing for development that aims to take shape in the first quarter of 2015 by identifying the needs, constraints and opportunities through 2030. The Council will address the need for an overarching theme and narrative around the post-2015 Development Agenda that are motivating and inspirational. In particular, it will engage youth, seek their perspectives and ensure the agenda resonates with the constituencies whose lives are most affected. In this context, the Council will help to set up a formal consultation between the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders and Global Shapers and the UN Secretary General’s Executive Office through 2015. Finally, the Council will outline a path to success for the conceptually integrated but politically separated processes for sustainable development and for climate. To get involved please contact Research Analyst: Daniel Akinmade Emejulu, Associate, Global Agenda Councils, [email protected] Council Manager: Thierry Geiger, Associate Director, Economist, Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network, [email protected] Forum Lead: Jennifer Blanke, Chief Economist, Senior Director, Head of Global Competitiveness and Benchmarking Network, [email protected]
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 08:11:36 +0000

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