Global Research News, March 18, 2014 Ukraine - TopicsExpress


Global Research News, March 18, 2014 Ukraine and the Referendum in Crimea Crimeans decided to join Russia. According to international observers, the referendum held last Sunday was open, free and fair. The mainstream media, however, presents another narrative. For Obama, Crimea Self-Determination Constitutes a Threat To US National Security. To know what is really going in Urkaine and Crimea, read the following articles. Crimeans Choose Russia - Stephen Lendman An astonishing 96.77% chose Russia - 95.6% of Sevastopol voters. Results show Crimeans overwhelmingly reject Kiev putschists. Russians, Ukrainians and Tatars agree. Claims otherwise are false. Ukraine Protests Carefully Orchestrated: The Role of CANVAS, US-Financed Color Revolution Training Group - F. William Engdahl Ukrainians have found evidence of direct involvement of the Belgrade US-financed training group, CANVAS behind the carefully-orchestrated Kiev protests. Obama Declares a National Emergency: Crimea Self-Determination Constitutes a Threat To US National Security - Paul Craig Roberts In his March 6 Executive Order, Blocking Property of Certain Persons Contributing to the Situation in Ukraine, Obama declares that support for Crimean self-determination constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. Double Standards and Hypocrisy: Where are the Sanctions against the West? Iskandar Arfaoui As the US and the European Union impose sanctions on 21 officials from Russia and Ukraine for helping the people of Crimea to make a democratic choice, one specific question arises - where were all the sanctions when the West was carrying out genuinely illegal wars and interventions that resulted in destruction and thousands of innocent civilians being killed? Media Disinformation There is a lot the western mainstream media wont tell you. In turn, what it tells you is more than often pure propaganda. As we have seen with the war on Iraq, the corporate media is pro-war and pro-empire. To get your facts straight, take a peak at our latest articles on the subject. Information, Disinformation and the Credibility Crisis. Where is the Truth in Todays News Reporting? Joachim Hagopian Where is the truth in news reporting today? A large percentage of the American population no longer trusts mainstream news outlets either on television or in print. What the Western Media Wont Tell You: Crimean Tatars and Ukrainians Also Voted to Join Russia - Michel Chossudovsky Contrary to the reports of 135 international observers from 23 countries, the Western media in chorus has suggested without a shred of evidence that the elections were rigged and that Crimea was under Russian military occupation. A Distorted Lens Justifying An Illegitimate Ukrainian Government - Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Why does Western media ignore critical information about the snipers that killed Euromaidan protesters in Ukraine? Support it or oppose it, a coup détat took place in Kiev after an EU-brokered agreement was signed by the Ukrainian government and the mainstream opposition on Feb. 21. Pro-War and Pro-Empire: Medias Reporting on Ukraine as Terrible as It Was on Iraq - Washingtons Blog After giving mea culpas for horrible Iraq coverage, the media does the exact same thing on Ukraine. We noted last year that the American media was doing the exact same thing in Syria. In reality, its not just Iraq or Syria... the corporate media is always pro-war, and pro-empire. BECOME A MEMBER OF GLOBAL RESEARCH Global Research Members and receive 2 FREE BOOKS! Our members enable us to make CRG articles and videos available to the broadest possible readership. Thank you for supporting independent media! Join our mailing list and receive the top articles from Global Research! DONATE
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:39:05 +0000

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