Global SPIRITUAL WARNING- GREAT TRIBULATION’S RED BUTTON IS NOW ON! USA’s debt default- warning by Treasury Secretary Jack Lew Lawmakers must quickly pass legislation to reopen the government and measure to increase the nation’s US$16.7 trillions as DEBT LIMIT. If they do not pay on the debt, that could cost us for generations to come. Credit markets could freeze, the value of US dollars could reduced, US interest rates could skyrocket, the Dow Jones could collapse with the negative spillover that could reverberate around the world. Henry Steven Khoo prayer for United States of America. O Allah, Lord God of Israel, Shanti, El Shandai Al Chai, the Most Merciful and Compassionate Creator of Mankind, hear my sinner prayer for the people and nations of United States of America. O Allah, Lord God of Israel- I cannot rejoice and to praise you with the America crisis. Instead O Allah my Lord and my God, the Lord God of David, let me mourn, cry, weep and plead unto YOU. I pray O Creator of Mankind, remember your promise that you had covenanted with Faithful Abraham , the deliverance of mankind through Noah, the virgin birth of Blessed Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, the prayer of Prophet Moses, the unification of peace and brotherhood by Great Prophet Muhammad, the righteous walk of Prophet Joseph and the divine blessing of Jacob upon the tribe of Manaseh. Hear O Heaven- Open up your windows, stretch out Thy mighty hand to deliver Americans from Satan and thy enemies as Thou had delivered the children of Israel walking on the RED SEA. Forgive the American whom you have blessed through Prophet Joseph, let them repent as thy nation as thy ONE PEOPLE. Renew their hearts, minds and souls- let the American return to your heart and walk in your righteous path, I weep unto You- O My LORD AND MY GOD. – the Lord God of Issac, the Lord God of Ismael. Let my human tears of this sinner prayer offer as a “living sacrifice” and “incense of offerings” for the United States of America, the tribe of Mannaseh unto your throne of grace. I cry unto You- the Lord God of Enoch, the Lord God of Mary, the Lord God of Joshua. Lord God of Queen Esther, Lord God of Ruth. Lord God of Samuel. Let this hour of prayers and solemn worship of Angel Michael and Angel Gabriel and the 24 elders in thy Heavenly Kingdom plead and intersect the prayer as they surround your HOLY ALTAR for United States of America- I cry unto You. O LORD GOD OF MOSES, O LORD GOD OF ELIJAH Hear O Heaven- O Heavenly Father, Shanti- the LORD GOD OF Confucius- withdraw your fierce anger and wrath against the United States of America- Be merciful and Be compassionate- Remember your convenant and your promise with Noah through the ‘Rainbow” in the heavenly bodies and in the heavenly places. Let your will be done O LORD GOD OF ISRAEL in the last seconds for the Second Coming of our Blessed Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, that the name for the tribe of Manaseh shall be written on your future “ HOLY TEMPLE” in the new coming 1,000 years. Peace be upon the Blessed Jesus of Nazareth- the tribe of Judah!. I weep and plead all Americans both small and big, rich and poor of all interfaith religion- turn to Allah- the Lord God of Israel, the God of King David. All churches, temples, jewish synagogues, all mosques- this is the time for you to be reconciled and to be united as ONE AMERICAN PEOPLE, fast and pray for the recovering and the restoration of the USA economy and to remember the American forefather that founded United States of America by walking upright to build USA and come back to the Blessed Messiah Jesus of Nazareth, (Peace be unto him), the tribe of Judah. Fast and pray as a nation for your restoration and the quick recovering of your spiritual, physical and your material blessing. I pray and urge all of you- TURN TO ALLAH, YOUR LORD AND YOUR GOD- THIS IS YOUR ONLY HOPE AND SALVATION AS A NATION! In the mighty name of our Everlasting Allah - LORD GOD OF ISRAEL, I mourn, weep and pray. AMIN. Torah – Book of Jeremiah Chapter 30: 5 to 7 = GREAT TRIBUALTION- JACOB TROUBLE. V 5- For thus says the LORD: ‘ We have heard a voice of TREMBLING, of FEAR and not of PEACE. V 6- Ask now, and SEE whether a man is ever in labour with Child? So why do I see every man with his hands on his loins like a women in labour, and all faces looked pale? V7- Alas! For that day is GREAT so that none is like it, and is the TIME OF JABOB’S TROUBLE But he (Jacob) shall be saved OUT OF IT. Torah – Book of Jeremiah Chapter 30: 8 to 1 = ALLAH MERCY AND COMPASSION FOR JACOB. V 8- For it shall come to pass in that DAY, says the LORD of hosts, ‘ that I will BREAK HIS YOKE from your NECK, and will burst BONDS, FOREGINERS shall no more ENSLAVE them. V9 – But they shall serve the LORD their God, and DAVID their KING, whom I will raise up for them. V10- Therefore do not fear, O my servant Jacob, says the LORD, Nor be dismayed, O Israel For behold, I will SAVE you from AFAR, and your SEED, from the land of CAPTIVITY. Jacob shall RETURN, have REST and be QUIET , and no one shall make him AFRAID. V11. For I am with you says the LORD “ to SAVE you; though I make a full end of all nations where I have scattered you, yet I will not make a COMPLETE END OF YOU. But I will CORRECT you in JUSTICEF, and will not let you GO altogether UNPUNISHED..
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 05:51:24 +0000

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