can sometimes be a mixed bag, but this article - TopicsExpress

   can sometimes be a mixed bag, but this article is all too true. And Ive said it before: All that hi tech seeming stuff from the NSA Catalog in Jacob Applebaums exquisite presentation at 30c3, is at LEAST 15-20 year old tech. Thats one possible reason why Snowden doesnt already have a bullet in his head. None of the stuff in the NSA catalog was any big secret except perhaps, to the general public: of both its existence and the extent to which it has been leveraged in what might be considered law enforcement activities of a considerably lower level than one would expect of state security apparatus, never mind its occasional mis(?)use in gathering economic intelligence from unsuspecting businesses to give unfair advantage to privileged competitors... My theory: Cell towers today comprise a realtime SIGINT targeting and acquisition network. They dont need to install bugs of the NSA catalog variety anymore, except to spy on people who either eschew all electronic devices, or who have EM shielded rooms such as multinational corporations and others excruciatingly aware of information leakage via surreptitious electromagnetic emanation. Instead all they do is tune and direct on the geometric location of your PC and/or device of interest, those intrinsic and ubiquitous, multiple overlaid networks of rubidium or cesium oscillator phase-locked and GPS time-synced array of telecommunications towers, all connected by underground fiber optic trunks, that comprise what we have come to believe and accept as the carrier of our everyday mundane cellular communication network. Ponder thus: Interferometry has been known to science for over 100 years, and the related application of precise comparison of phase and delay of wavefronts arriving to an antenna array as a method of surveillance is literally 100 years old - just look very closely at what details are publicly avilable of designs of the old Wullenweber direction finding LF antennas and note - in what few documents are still extant - the extremely precise surveying of the distance between antenna nodes, the inner and outer antenna rings, rings, the sigma six precision length of the conductors to preserve phase coherency, the extensive use of radio frequency goniometers for detail work, and the perfectly duplicated geometric bends and twists at any junction points or phase adjustment points. That was 100 years ago. Extrapolate to today. Forget individually circularly disposed antenna arrays of the past. Instead think what you could have done had you the ability to network those arrays using modern digital telecommunication. Now start thinking in terms of our multiply overlaid and roughly hexagonally or tetrahedrally arranged cell tower networks, connected by underground fiber for time-synchronous precise correlation of intermediate geographic targets of interest. Think phase-array-networked time domain reflectometry with the ability to tune past (phase cancel) any geographically intermediate sources of interference to get directly to the largely unshielded home and small business computing targets of interest Yeah, yeah, I know, Im a tinfoil hat wearing nutjob. Like the media says, we all know Snowdens leaks of 15-20 year old surveillance tech makes him such a horrible traitor, lets forget about the fact that almost everything hes leaked thus far was well known to TSCM professionals for decades. Wullenweber circularly disposed antenna array virhistory/navy/frd10.htm Wullenweber manual, note particularly around pages 150+ where they discuss the equivalent circuits of Sector Beam Formation and Sector Beam Division and extrapolate to what you could do with a nationwide array of perfectly time and phase locked, fiber optic linked, cell towers. Lets see how long this one stays up on scribd: scribd/doc/8006998/wullenweber-type-shortwave-SIGINT-system-3-MHz-to-30-MHz-
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:18:55 +0000

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