Glorious day - took advantage of it & jogged outside. This is the - TopicsExpress


Glorious day - took advantage of it & jogged outside. This is the lesson I wish I would never forget. When I eat a lot of junk, 2 miles is a struggle. I ate really well 4/5 days this week. 5 miles wasnt too bad at all. I teach nutrition & hydration at work. You would think that I could hold on to this simple fact: Poor fuel choices dont allow the engine to run very well. Im officially giving each & every one of you permission to remind me of this fact whenever you suspect I may have conveniently ignored it. Scripture does encourage us to hold each other accountable. And if I truly believe my physical body is a temple, a vehicle to be used by God to further His kingdom, I should be taking better care of it. The enemy tries to divert our focus. We end up feeling guilty & vain. We need to remember that our body is a precious gift. 1Cor 3:16 Dont you know that you yourselves are Gods temple and that Gods spirit lives in you? 1 Cor 6:20 were bought at a price.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 20:12:04 +0000

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