Glossary of Land Revenue Words (From Punjab Settlement - TopicsExpress


Glossary of Land Revenue Words (From Punjab Settlement Manual) sary of Land Revenue Words (From Punjab Settlement Manual) A Abadi deh … Inhabited site of village. Abi … Watered by lift from tanks, pools, marshes, or streams. Abiana … An assessment levied in addition to the assessment at unirrigated rates on account of the advantage derived from irrigation (Paragraph 61). Abwab … Cesses. Adhlapi … A man who by sinking a well in another man’s land acquires ownership in half of the land attached to the well (paragraph 173). Adna malik … Inferior owner. Ahtrafi … A cess paid by artisance to the village proprietors. Ala lambardar … Chief lambardar (Headman). Ala malik. … Superior owner. Amin … Surveyor employed for making village maps. Ang … Cess on cattle levied by proprietors on other residents in village for grazing in village waste. Anwanda … Clearing tenant in Dera Ghazi Khan (See note, page 107 of Settlement manual). Asami … Tenant (in old settlement literature the term is sometimes confined to a resident tenant). B Bachh … Distribution of revenue over holdings. Badastur … Ledger. Bahi … Unaltered. Bajra … A kind of millet (Pennisetum typhodeum). Bakhra … Share (in Pathan tracts). Banda … Hamlet (in Pathan tracts). Bangar … Upland tract. Banjar … Uncultivated land. Bania … Village’s shopkeeper, money-lender. Banjar … Uncultivated land. Banjar kadim … New fallow (for all explanation see paragraph 267). Banjar kadim … Old fallow (for full explanation see paragraph 267). Barani … Dependent on rainfall. Batai … Rent taken by division of crop. Batta … A form of village tenure (see paragraph 139). Bhaichara … Sub-number (paragraph 271). Bhoang … Due paid harvest by harvest to a godkesh tenant (note on page 107). Bhunga … Cess on cattle levied by proprietors on other residents in a village for grazing in village waste. Bhur … Sand. Bigha … A measure of area. In the Western Punjab the bigha is half a ghumao, in the east the shahjahani bigha is five-eighths of an acre and the zamindari or kacha bigha five-twenty fourths of an acre. The actual bigha used by the Zamindari does not always correspond with the kacha bigha used in settlement surveys (see paragraph 243). Bir … A preserve. Bisa … One-twentieth of a bigha (q. v). Biswi … A fee paid in recognition of property right. Biswansi … One-twentieth of a bigha (q.v). Burji … A survey pillar. Butemar … A tenant who has acquired permanent rights in the land by clearing it of jangal. C Chaharam … A grant of one-fourth of the ruler’s share of the produce to an individual or family of influence. Chah … Well; well-holding. Chahi … Irrigated from a well. Chahi khalis … Irrigated only from a well as distinguished from chahi-narhi (q.v) or chahi-sailab. Chahi-nahri … Irrigated partly from a well and partly from canal. Chak … Assessment circle, a block of land. Chakbat … Applied to a patti or sub-division of an estate which has all its land lying in one block (see Khetbat). Chakdar … Inferior owner (in South-West Punjab). For full explanation, (see paragraph 168). Chakla … Assessment circle. Chakota … Lump grain rent or rent consisting of a fixed amount of grain in the rabi, and a fixed amount of cash in the kharif harvest (see paragraph 312). Chapparband … A term for a resident (see tenant paragraph 196) entitled to permanent occupation at a fixed rate of rent (see paragraph 197). Chari … A kind of millet (q.v) grown for fodder (see jowar). Chaudhri … Rural notable. Chaukidar … Village watchman. Chela … Supiritual son or pupil. Chhambh … A marsh. Chhar … A system of silt clearance under which the clearance is effected by the irrigators themselves (see paragraph 449). Chundavand … A custom of inheritance under which several sons by one wife inherit the same share as a single son by another wife (see pagvand). D Daftri … Owner in pathan tracts (see paragraph 157). Dak … Post. Dakar … Stiff clay soil. Darbar … Council or other governing body in a Native State. Darkhwast Mal … Tender of engagement to pay the land revenue. Duzari …. Assessment. Darya … River. Dastur-ul-amal … Hand-book for the guidance of district revenue officers in carrying out of the provisions of the settlement. Daul … Estimate of revenue payable by different estates (see paragraph 16). Daulp … Ridge. Dharat … Weighment fee; levied on sales of produce within village (see paragraph 94). Dhenkli … A hand-lever well. Dhok … Hamlet. Doab … Country lying between two rivers. Dohli … Death-bed gift of a small plot of land to a Brahman. E Ekfasli … Yielding one crop in each agricultural year. F Fakir … Religious mendicant. Fard Ranngazi. … List of fields for colouring purposes. G Gharldakhilkar … Tenant-at-will. Ghair Maurasi … Tenant-at-will. Ghairmumkin … Barren. Ghi … Clarified butter. Ghumao … A measure of area (see paragraph 243). Girdawar … Kanungo or supervisor of patwaris (Paragraph 292-A). Girdawari … Harvest inspection. Godkesh … Tenant in Multan who has acquired a permanent title by breaking up waste (note on page 107). Gora … Land close to a village site which is often heavily manured. Gosha … Corner. Got … Sub-division of a tribe. Guru … Spiritual father or guide. H Hakimi hissa … The ruler’s share of the produce. Hakk buha … Dorr tax; a cess levied by proprietors from other residents in a village (see paragraph 94). Hakkdar … A tenant entitled to permanent occupation at a fixed rate of rent (see paragraph 197). Hamsayas … Dependents occupying outlying hamlets of a pathan estate on condition of assisting in repelling raids on the lands of the proprietors (see paragraph 159). Hari … Applied to land cropped only in the rabi harvest. Hathrakhaidar … A man who agreed to become responsible for payment of the revenue on condition of receiving the proprietor’s share of the produce; has less a fee paid in recognition of the owner’s proprietary title (see paragraph 172). I Ikrarnama … Village administration paper, same as wajib-ul-arz. Iliaqawar … Relating to an ilaka or tract. Inam … A cash allowance paid to secure the services of a man of influence. Inamdar … The holder of an inam (q.v) Ismi … A proprietary fee. J Jadid … See banjar jaded. Also a class of tenant ( see paragraph 196). Jagir … An assignmen of land revenue. Jagirdar … Holder of an assignment of land-revenue. Jama … Land revenue demand. Jamabandi … Register of holdings of owners and tenants showing land held by each and amounts payable as rent, land revenue, and cesses. Jamai … A class of tenant (see paragraph 196). Jangal … Uncultivated land covered with brushwood and small trees. Jhalar … A Persian-wheel by which water is raised from a stream or canal. Jahalari … Irrigated by jhalar (q.v). Jhil … A sheet of water. Jhuri … Fee paid to proprietor when entering on possession of land (see paragraph 168). Jinswar … Relating to crops, also the crop statement for any particular harvest. Jowar … A kind of millet (Sorghum Vulgare). K Kabza … Possession. Kacha … Incomplete or imperfect, applied to village measures of area and weights as distinguished from those recognised by Government; not lined with masonry (of a well). Kacha asami … Term used for a tenant-at-will (see paragraph 197). Kacha bigha … See bigha. Kacha malba … The system under which the amount actually expended on the common pruposes fo a village is distributed periodically over the proprietors. To be distinguished from pakka malba (q.v). Kachahri … District court-house. Kadam … A pace (see paragraph 243). Kadim … See banjar kadim also a class of tenant (see paragraph 197). Kadimi … A class of tennat (see paragraph 198). Kaifiyat … Report note. Kalar … Barren land, also applied to reh efflorescence, and in the east of the Punjab to sour clay rice (Land kalar dahr). Kamlana … Cess paid by artisans to the proprietors of the village in which they ply their trade (see paragraph 94). Kan … Appraisement of crops, realization of landlord’s share of produce in cash after appraising its amount and value. Kanal … A measure or area (see paragraph 243). Kania … A man who appraises crops. Kankar … Lime modules. Kankut … Same as kan (q.v). Kanungo … Supervisor of patwaris. Karam … Unit of length. Kardar … Title of official in Indian State. Karguzari … Outturn of work. Karukan … Length and breadth. Kasur … Fee paid in recognition of proprietary title (see paragraph 170). Khadir … Lowlying land near river. Khaka … Rough plan. Khalsa … The Sikh commonwealth. Revenue credited to Government as contrasted with jagir (q.v.) revenues. Khamtahsil … Direct management of estate by Government. Kharaba … Portion of crop which has failed to come to maturity. Kharach … Cess realized by landlord in addition to rent (see paragraph 339). Kharif … Autumn harvest. Khasanve … Same as vesh (q.v). Khasra … List of folds, field register. Khasra girdawari. … Harvest inspection register. Khata … Holding of a tenant. Khatauni … A list of holdings of tenants. Holding slips prepared at re-measurement (see Appendix VII). Khetbat … Applied to a patti or sub-division of an estate; all the land of which does not lie in a single block (see chakbat). Khewat … A list of owners’ holdings. Khewat-khatauni. … A combined khewat and khatauni corresponding to the present jamabandi (see Paragraph 274). Khudkasht … Cultivated by the owner himself. Khula vesh … Fresh calculation of shares at time of vesh (q.v.) (See paragraph 158). Khush-haisiyati … Owner’s rate, water, or canal-advantage rate. Killabandi … (See Appendix XIV). Kudhi-Lamini … A cess on hearths realized by proprietors from other residents in a village (see paragraph 94). Kuhmar … A tenant in Dera Gazi Khan who has earned a permanent title by sinking a well (see paragraph 211). L Lakh … 1,00,000. Lakhiraj … Exempt from assessment. Lambardar … Village headman. Latha girdawari. … Cloth copy of the patwari’s map (Paragraph 292 and Appendix XXI). Lathband … A tenant who acquires rights in land by embanking fields (see Paragraph 211). Lathmar … Same as lathband (q.v). Lichh … Fee paid in recognition of proprietary title (see Paragraph 169). Lungi … Fee paid to proprietor when enterin on possession of land (see paragraph 168). M Mafi … Revenue free. Mafidar … The holder of an assignment of land revenue. Mahal … Estate. Mahsul … Share of produce due to sate, now share of produce taken by person who pays the revenue in money (see paragraph 170). Mahsulkhor … A kind of land revenue farmer (see paragraph 172). Maira … Sandy loam. Mal … Land Revenue Malatar … Same as hamsaya (q.v). Malba … Fund out of which common village expenses are defrayed. Malguzar … Person responsible for payment of land revenue. Malguzari … Relating to assessment assessable. Malik … Owner in Western Punjab; malik means a leading man in a section of a tribe. Malik adna … Inferior proprietor. Malik ala … Superior proprietor. Malikana … Fee paid in recogniting of proprietary title. Malik Kabza … A man who owners the land actually in his possession; but has no share in the common property of the village community (see paragraph 142). Marla … A measure of area (see paragraph 243). Masri … A small pulse. Matyat … A word used in United provinces fro a clay soil. Occupancy tenant. Mauza … Village. Mauzawar … By villages (paragraph 512). Milan khasra … An area statement abstracted from the khasra (q.v) annual area statement. Milan rakba … Annual area statement. Milkiyat adna … Inferior ownership. Milkiyat ala … Superior ownership. Milkiyat makbuz … Tenure of a malik kabza (q.v). Min … Portion. Minhai … Excluded from the assessable area. Minjumla … Part out of a whole (Instruction 3, Appendix VIII). Mirasi … A class of Landholder (See paragraph 196). Mirasidar … A class of landholder (see Paragraph 196). Misl haqiyat … Record-of- rights. Moth … A small pulse (phareoolus trilobus). Muhtarafa … Same as ahtrafi (q.v). Mukaddim … Superior proprietor (see paragraph 167), also a leading man or headman in a village community (see paragraph 115). Makaddmi … Fee paid to superior proprietor in recognition of proprietary title (see paragraph 169). Mukarraridar … A kind of occupancy tenant (see paragraph 211). Mundhimar … A man who acquires occupancy right in land by clearing it of jangal (see paragraph 211). Munshi … An Indian clerk. Muntakhib assamiwar … Statement of owners and tenants, holding with detail of fields and rent, etc. Musavi … Mapping sheet. Mushakhsadar … A farmer of the land revenue (See paragraph 172). N Nagha … Commutation paid for failure to perform ehher (q.v) labour. Nahri … Irrigated from a canal. Nahri-parts … Assessment rate over and above the assessment rate or unirrigated land applied to nahri land in calculating the fixed assessment which it shall pay (see paragraph 446). Naib-tehsildar … The deputy or assistant of he Tehsildar (q.v.). Naksha alamat … List of conventional signs. Naksha-intikal … Statement of land transfers. Naksha-lakhiraj … Statement of land revenue assignments. Naksha-thakbast … Village boundary map (see paragraphs 248 and 270). Nala … Drain or watercourse. Nautor … Land brought under cultivation for the first time. Nazim … Governor of large tract in an Indian State. Nazrana … An abatement from the revenue to an estate, etc., retained by government in making a land revenue assignment to an individual. Nazul … Land, etc. which has become the property of government by escheat or failure of heirs. Niai … Manured. P Pachotra … A surcharge of 5 per cent on the revenue paid to village headmen. Pag … Fee paid to proprietor on entering on possession of land and (see paragraph 168). Pagvand … A custom of inheritance under which sons by different wives inherit equal shares in land (see chundavand) the property being divided per capita. Pahikasht … A tenant who does not live in the village in which he cultivates land . Paipath … A fee paid, to a superior owner in a recognition of his proprietary title (see paragraph 169). Pakka … Complete or perfect applied to measures of weight and area recognized by government as distinguished from those used in villages; lined with masonry (of a well). Pakka malba … The system under which the amount to be collected for common village expenses in fixed at a definite percentage on the land revenue. Pana … A sub-division of an estate (see paragraph 128). Panahi … A tenant protected from ejectment for a term, of years (See paragraph 203). Panapalat … A form of periodical distribution of a land in the Gurgaon District (see paragraph 158). Parcha … An extract from a khatauni or Jamabandi, a copy of the entry in a khatauni regarding his holding given to a right-holder at measurement (see paragraph 2, Appendix VII). Pargana … A group of estates forming a sub-division of a district or Tehsil. Part Sirkar … Government copy of the new settlement record. Part Tehsil … Tehsil copy of the settlement map (paragraph 292 and Appendix XXI). Parta … Assessment rate. Patta … Leather cover such as is used fro protecting account books by Indian shopkeepers (see Appendix VII) also deed of grant (see paragraph 152). Patti … A sub-division of an estate (see paragraph 128); also a well holding (see paragraph 165). Pattidar … A form of village tenure (see paragraphs 137 and 138). Patwari … A village accountant or registrar. Puchh-bakri … A cess on marriage levied by proprietors from other resides in a village (see paragraph 94). R Rabi … Spring harvest. Raiyat … Tenant. Raiyatwari … A form of settlement in which the occupant of each holdings is under a separate engagement with Government, as distinguished from the village settlement in force in North-Western area. Rakh … A preserve. Rangsaz … A colourist. Rassa-Buti … A form of tenure in riverain estates in Sialko (see note on page 72). Rastah … Pathway. Rausli … A loam soil. Riwaj-I-am … Record of customs followed by the chief tribes in a district in the matter of marriage, inheritance, etc. (see paragraphs 561—567). Ret … Sand. Rohi … A stiffish soil containing a considerable amount of clay. Rubakati-akhir … Brief abstract of settlement proceedings appended to settlement record (see paragraph 270). S Sabik … Former. Sadr … Headquarters station. Sad malguzars … Leading land-owners allowed to become responsible for revenue assessed on an estate (see paragraph 17). Sailab … Flooded or kept permanently moist by river. Sailaba … Same as sailab (q.v.). Sair … Miscellaneous income derived from an estate by its owners over and above the profits fo cultivation (see paragraph 356). Sanad … A deed of grant. Sarak … Road. Sarsahi … A measure of area (See paragraph 243). Sarsari parts … An all-round rate on cultivation without discrimination of soils or classes of land. Sawani … Cropped only in the autumn harvest. Sayar … See sair. Ser … A measure of weight, 1/40th of maund. Seri … Grant of land made by pathan Chief to me who helped him with their swords or their prayers. Sermani … A fee of one ser in the mauud of produce paid in recognition of proprietary title. Shahjahani bigha … See bigha. Shahnahri … Irrigated from a canal owned by the State. Shajra … Map, plan. Shajra kishtwar … Village common land. Shikast … Broken. Shora … Saltpetre. Sihadda … Masonry pillar or platform erected at point where boundaries of three villages meet. Silhdar … Same as chakdar (q.v.). Sir jagir … Land owned by jagirdat in an estate of which the revenue is assigned to him. Sir-o-pa … Fee paid to proprietor when entering on possession of land (see paragraph 168). Siwai … Cesses also same as sair (q.v.). T Tafrik … Distribution of revenue over holdings. Tahrij asamiwar … Abstract of khatauni showing tenants, holdings with their areas and rents; but without details of fields (see paragraph 270). Tehsil … A sub-division of a district, charge of Tehsildar. Tehsildar … Official in chief executive charge of a Tehsil. Takavi … Loan granted by Government to a land-owner for agricultural purposes. Talukdar … A superior proprietor (see paragraphs 103, 143 and 145). Taraddadkar … A class of tenant in jhang (see paragraph 211). Taraf … A sub-division of an estate. Tarika paimaish … Note of method of suvey (Appendix XXI). Tarmim … Correction. Tawani … A class of tenant in Kohat Thana … Police Station or the jurisdiction of a police Station (see paragraph 579). Tahana patti … Marriage fee levied by proprietors of village from other residents (See paragraph 94). Thok … A sub-division of an estate (see paragraph 128). Thula … A sub-division of an estate (see paragraph 128). V Vesh … Periodical redistribution of land among proprietors (see paragraph 158). W Wajib-ul-arz … Village administration paper (see paragraphs 295-296-A and Appendix VIII). Waris … Landholder (see paragraphs 152, 175, 178 and 197-A). Warisi … Right of the waris (q.v.). Water … Line. Wirsana … Fee paid in recognition of proprietary title. Z Zabti … Cash rents levied on account of certain crops. Zail … A group of estates out of which some representative man is appointed zaildar. Zaildar … A man of influence appointed to have charge of a zail. Zamindar … Land-owner. Zamindari … A form of village tenure (see paragraph 136). Zamindari bigha … See bigha. Zari-I-Zagha … Fund formed out of commutation paid by persons who do not perform the chher (q.v.) labour for which they are responsible. Zillah (zil’s)
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:12:37 +0000

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