Gm, fb. Happy Thursday. Today is my mom visitation at Leaks & Son - TopicsExpress


Gm, fb. Happy Thursday. Today is my mom visitation at Leaks & Son Funeral Home 7838 S. Cottage Grove. This season have been extremely difficult, painful, & stressful. I lost my best friend, my mom. I drove pass 79th st Jeffrey, hoping that there was a mistake & this is a dream. My mom was a very good Crossing Guard & Homecare Worker. The kids & parents been asking for my mom, loved her, & sending their deepest condolences. God, you have blessed me through this all. Im so blessed & happy that I didnt lose my faith as I made arrangements or gave up. I was a little worried, but I read the Bible & had to cast out demons who were negative & not supportive. I was alone in my journey & all I could think of is how my mom said shes so proud of me & I know how to network & find a way. She told me how much she love me & its going to be alright. I told mom I hate seeing you in pain & suffering. Mom squeeze my hand & nod her head. I kissed my mom hand & forehand. She also told Suzy Alma Price that she want her to be there for me. Thats the last time mom spoke & she told me it was ok I went out to Field Museum for the house music party saturday August 30. I spoke to LadyLaronda Maestro. Lady of wisdom, realist, said some encouraging things. I thank you. Mom was waiting on me to let her go. She was tired & need some rest. Mom was ready. I got a call 1hour later & mom starting respiratory distress. My mom was fighting hard bc her facial expressions, eyes, rolling in her head, & her last hand movement. I told mom to hang in here until Angela come Tuesday. She told me she love me so much & Im going to be blessed. Thats why I kept my big girl underwear & made wise decisions bc Im responsible. Business first, play, & pleasure last. Im at peace, full of joy, & happiness. God been good to me & Im going to make It through today. Have a blessed day, fb. Love you.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 12:57:58 +0000

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