Go In And Take Possession! The Introduction Hallo child of God? - TopicsExpress


Go In And Take Possession! The Introduction Hallo child of God? We are in the last month of the year and I feel it so strongly in my Spirit to encourage somebody this day. The year is definitely coming to a close and you may look ay the year that has been so far and feel discouraged because for one reason or another you dont seem to have achieved much. Well, its okay! You may be looking at your past days and you feel more confused today than you were yesterday; maybe the pain of yesterday is now more vivid and acute, and while you had hoped for reprieve and clarity, that doesnt seem as though its in the works! But, its okay! You have been listening to people testify of the Lords doing and you are looking around at everybody else being blessed in one way or another, yet you feel stagnant, and the only thing you have is hope; that maybe this time round as the Lord blesses His people it will be your turn - still nothing! Yet, its okay! Its never easy when things dont seem to work out; when you dont know whether you are coming, going or gone! But I came to announce to you today that irregardless of what you are facing or going through, It is okay! You may ask what makes all that okay and this is the simplest answer I will give you Because there is a God in Heaven! Over the next few days until we wrap this year, we will forget what has been or not been and we will Go in and Take Possession! So, quit whining about what is not working in your life, quit crying about what has not been; wipe your tears, dust yourself and rise up! Matthew 11:12 says And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force (KJV). This series is not about or for the faint hearted! It is about and for someone who is done bowing to pressure; someone who is ready to step into what God released over their lives! Child of God this is not about balancing input and output! It is about fervency! This is where hope becomes converted into action; where faith becomes visible and tangible! Deuteronomy 1:8 See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the LORD swore he would give to your fathers--to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob--and to their descendants after them (NIV). God has already given direction and so its time to get into DO-MODE. We have to get into the threshold of doers, after we have become hearers! Get ready! We are Going in! And we are laying a hold of the possessions that God spoke over our lives. God Bless You. Next: Understanding What God Said Part 1
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:43:46 +0000

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