Go back to class or lose your jobs, teachers warned - TopicsExpress


Go back to class or lose your jobs, teachers warned Tweet Related Stories Knut chiefs fight bid to jail them 100 abandon Kuppet for rival Knut Striking teachers who do not return to class this morning should consider themselves sacked, the government said on Monday. Education Secretary Jacob Kaimenyi said teachers who do not resume work by 8am “would have sacked themselves.” But union officials dismissed the directive, saying Prof Kaimenyi had no power to issue it. Kenya National Union of Teachers chairman Wilson Sossion said the strike will continue until the government offers teachers a better deal. “His (Prof Kaimenyi’s) arbitrary directive could only serve to prolong the strike and harden teachers’ feelings. “Teachers feel they have been trampled upon by some individuals in government who are hell-bent on denying them their rights. The strike will only end when Knut formally calls it off,” Mr Sossion said. But Prof Kaimenyi said those who do not return to work will face the music. “We shall also take appropriate disciplinary action,” he told journalists at his Jogoo House office in Nairobi. The government is also to start recruiting new teachers on Friday in what Prof Kaimenyi said is to meet a promise to employ 10,000 tutors this year. “All eligible teachers are required to report to district staffing headquarters for registration at 8am on Friday,” Prof Kaimenyi said. Prof Kaimenyi, who was accompanied by his Labour counterpart, Mr Kazungu Kambi, and Teachers Service Commission chief executive Gabriel Lengoiboni, accused Knut of reneging on an agreement signed on Saturday to call off the strike. The giant teachers’ union, the Cabinet Secretary said, had also disobeyed a court order to end the industrial unrest. He said every employer has rules and that if one absconds duty for 14 days, he or she is supposed to be interdicted. “TSC will do exactly that,” he said. Mr Lengoiboni said TSC will ensure the code of conduct for teachers is adhered to. He said to ensure learning in all schools takes place without further interruption, all teachers who have not resumed duty “and wish to remain in the employment of TSC are directed to obey the July 1 court order and report for duty tomorrow (Tuesday) by 8am without fail.” He said the government offer as negotiated between TSC and Knut and the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers still stands and will be implemented from July 1 for all tutors who comply with the law. The tough-talking Cabinet Secretary said TSC will immediately commence disciplinary action against any teacher who violates the law. Prof Kaimenyi asked parents and guardians to ensure their children report to school at 8am “ready for classes
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:38:28 +0000

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