Go to the local newspaper for help and oh... Would you look at - TopicsExpress


Go to the local newspaper for help and oh... Would you look at that professional unbiased reporting... What do you know.. Turns out the council practically owns the newspaper. So many errors... This so called illegal building (of which there is only ONE) is a granny flat we built for my brother (one of Karens sons) and his partner and baby to live in. The building was 30cm over the agreed upon height. The matter is still being discussed with the local council. And in the meantime, my brother and his baby have nowhere to live. One-on-one lessons were never even discussed - council said that as long as Karen remained a sole trader and did not employ anybody that she would not need a permit. The council have since made us aware that it is now mandatory to have the business registered with them, which we replied that wed happily organise except the council OUTRIGHT REFUSED until we started talking to the media. They expect us to spend thousands and thousands on permit requests and yet they want to still have the right to say no to us anyway after 27 years of paying rates and a lot longer paying taxes... All because ONE neighbour with a very long criminal record and outstanding criminal charges (to be heard on Feb 23 2015) has made complaints against us after the police took out an AVO on him on my behalf after he very publicly threatened me and my family in the middle of the street in May this year. Do they think, hey if she has no job, she cant pay for anything and will end up costing the Government more money because well have to go on Centrelink to pay the damn rates? No... They just think about the quick money grab - the quickest easiest way to ruin peoples lives and make a quick buck Furthermore.. Lets add insult to injury... A little more salt for our wounds... What a coincidence. The next article is advertising council pools... Ill have you all know that we get HUNDREDS of kids from council pools who have wasted time and money going there for up to THREE YEARS and still cant swim. They come to us for a reason. Defamation... The council and the Torch will be lucky if they dont get sued for this...
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:21:37 +0000

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