Go to your bible and seek the answers ANSWERS TO SCRIPTURE - TopicsExpress


Go to your bible and seek the answers ANSWERS TO SCRIPTURE QUESTIONS CONTINUES….PART 5 This happens all the time. Christians are not to compare themselves to see who is greater than one another (2 CORINTHIANS 10:12). WAS PETER THE CHIEF APOSTLE, AS THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH TEACHES? (MATTHEW 16:18-19). ANSWER: NO. In MATTHEW 16:19, it says, ...whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven. Thou IS SINGULAR, addressed to Peter. However, this same command was given to all the apostles in MATTHEW 18:18, where the term ye is used, being plural. AN APOSTLE IS ONE WHO HAS BEEN SENT BY JESUS (JOHN 20:21-22). Part of the binding and losing is in JOHN 20:23. IN ACTS 2:37, Peter was not recognized as the leader of the apostles, HE WAS THE SPOKESMAN FOR THE 12 APOSTLES, but so was John, and so were all the other apostles. LOOK AT ACTS 2:42-43, And they continued steadfastly in Peter’s doctrine, because he was the first pope. No, they continued in the apostle’s doctrine, and all the apostles did signs and wonders, not just Peter. John and the others had the spirit too (ACTS 4:13-14,19,33; 5:12-15,32). THE APOSTLES SPOKE ALSO (ACTS 6:2). Stephen, who wasn’t even an apostle, stood up and resisted the authorities, and was killed for that (ACTS 7:51-60). Peter gave in to the authorities. Never is Peter called a great one (ACTS 8:9-10). If Peter were the chief apostle, liken unto a Pope, or one that had authority over the other apostles, then we should have more of the history of Peter. But, most writings concern Paul. Most of Acts deal with Paul (CHAPTERS 13-28), 14 epistles are written by Paul, but only 2 written by Peter. Nowhere does Peter claim any supremacy over any other apostle. Peter was given in to Judaism, and was rebuked by Paul for his false doctrine (Galatians 2:11-14). JESUS CALLED PETER SATAN (Matthew 16:23), he cursed and swore (MATTHEW 26:74) & denied Jesus 3 times (Mark 14:67-72). Christians are not to compare themselves to see who is greater than one another (2 CORINTHIANS 10:12). A hierarchy perverts the gospel of Christ (Galatians 1:6-9). Not even Jesus has the power to appoint men in a position of power over the church (MATTHEW 20:20-23). The apostles were angry at the 2 men who wanted authority in the church (verse 24). Then Jesus explained how Christians shall NOT have any man be in authority over any other Christian (verse 25-27, Mark 10:42-44, Luke 22:25-26). Who is our master? Jesus Christ. We are to do what He says, not what men says. Let’s see what Peter himself taught. 1 PETER 5:2-3, FEED THE FLOCK OF GOD WHICH IS AMONG YOU, TAKING THE OVERSIGHT THEREOF, NOT BY CONSTRAINT, BUT WILLINGLY; NOT FOR FILTHY LUCRE (GAIN), BUT OF A READY MIND; NEITHER AS BEING LORDS OVER GODS HERITAGE, BUT BEING ENSAMPLES TO THE FLOCK. Here is Peter himself saying no one man should be Lord over another. God does not want an over-bearing, over-ruling hierarchy over the brethren, and he is executing his judgment against it! All those who follow a dictatorial hierarchyship are going to be destined for more trouble (REVELATION 2:14- To be continued...............
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 20:35:04 +0000

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