Goat Post: I got up in the middle of the night because I couldnt - TopicsExpress


Goat Post: I got up in the middle of the night because I couldnt sleep. My corgi, Roxy, got up with me. You might think, Aw, isnt that sweet? Her little doggie keeps her company. Dont think that. Shes a little opportunist. Rox immediately takes a right into the kitchen while I head confidently to the couch. She keeps coming into the living room. looking at me in the eye, and then running back into the kitchen. This is the international symbol for Make a snack. Give me the snack. I was just really miffed that Roxy would try to take advantage of our friendship in such an obviously manipulative way. Ive included a picture of her so you can see how she really works that Im a cute dog with big ears and short legs routine. Anyway, Im up in the middle of the night with a begging dog that wouldnt stop until I fed her a bagel. She is so spoiled. I dont know how she got that way. We were very strict with her about the furniture. We told her she had to get up on every piece of furniture and sleep in our bed if she wanted to be any dog of ours. Shes pretty good about following that rule. Ive seldom seen her sleep on the floor. Ok, so its the middle of the night, the dog has had her bagel and is back to sleep on the couch when Mr. Ed suddenly smacks his giant goat head against the window. It sounded like World War III. Not really. It sounded like a goat smacking his head against the window but it startled me so theres that. Im including a picture of Mr. Ed attempting to butt something for your reference. Anyway, just like my opportunistic dog, the goat would not stop attacking the basic fabric of our home until I brought him a treat. I wasnt happy so I just put a flake of alfalfa in his feeding pan. I refused to give him any cherry tomatoes because he was being so bad. I dont know how come these animals are so terrible to me. They dont treat Nancy this way. (By the way, Im going to have to put a picture of Lucy up. She never does anything wrong but I dont want her to feel left out because shes the good one. I always thought the whole Prodigal Son story was pretty unfair to the other brother.) I guess you teach animals how to treat you. Nancy doesnt give the animals treats all the time, like I do. She doesnt feed them from her plate, like I do. She also doesnt stand around outside with Mr. Ed laughing maniacally as he eats a variety of different things out of her hands. Holy molly, I taught those animals how to treat me. All of my whining and it has been all my fault. (How in the world did Lucy manage to stay so good? She must be a saint) I feed the dogs whatever they want to eat whenever they want to eat it. I mess with the goat. Im the problem. Teaching the world to treat you with respect requires something most of us dont have, an abundance of self-respect. If we are aware and clear about our own boundaries, we enter all encounters knowing exactly who we are. Our interactions train others how to treat us. So, you must endeavor to know yourself and consciously interact with all humans that cross your path. Then, no matter what the situation, you wont be feeding a stranger a buttery, delicious bagle originally meant for your own consumption. You probably wouldnt have anyway but this is a stern warning to avoid feeding strangers anything. Remember, You fulfill many roles in life. Mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, uncle and aunt. But those are only roles. You are, under all the weight of all those roles, a child of God. Your journey has started. You are doing it right now. The point is to be as aware as you possibly can. Ive spoken of the sacredness of the saturated moment. The understanding that at any given time you can join your energy with others all over the world who are feeling as you do. We do it unconsciously. But if you consciously understand that you are part of that saturated moment and that you have a choice which energy you want to join, then you have empowerment. You are in charge of how you feel all the time. But thats as far as your power should go. I like to treat people with loving kindness. There are times that my best efforts to do that have been met with opposition. In years past, I have fought that opposition in an attempt to win over the person to my side. But now I understand that people are at various stages of waking up. You cannot cause someone to treat you better. But you can take charge of how you feel, decide your best course of action and make that decision based on self-knowledge. If I cannot get the respect I feel I deserve, I disengage and I try not to spend weeks and months questioning that choice. I have had to make some terrible choices in my life. But Im still here. Im as awake as I know how to be. Im joining my energy with the positive, loving vibes that are always there if we look, both inside and outside. Somewhere there are monks praying 24 hours a day for peace. There are Buddhists meditating on the same thing. I give my energy to those endeavors and try to stay out of pettiness, meanness and smallness. Teach the world to love you the way you want to be loved. Were listening.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 15:23:41 +0000

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