Goat Post: Mr. Ed is spunky today. He keeps putting his head down - TopicsExpress


Goat Post: Mr. Ed is spunky today. He keeps putting his head down and running at the corgi. He doesnt do that to Lucy. She wont allow it. From the very first day, Lucy ran back at Ed. When he escalated, she bit. She bit him on the foot and nose and now, she can drink out of his bucket and even sniff his food bowl. The corgi has set no such boundary so everyday they scuffle back and forth across the porch. I believe they enjoy the interaction even if from the outside it looks like fighting. Roxy is way too fast and agile for Mr. Ed. His gestures are purely theatric. Roxy just wants to run and bark so theyve developed the perfect relationship. . A lazy goat and an overactive corgi have found their middle ground. Doesnt it seem like weve been working to find middle ground forever? When we were kids, all it took to have a best friend was be the same age, hate boys and know each others favorite color. That depth of friendship was enough to carry you all the way to junior high. Thats when stuff starts getting whack. Our bodies start changing, it matters how we look, what we wear. Whats your favorite color is not sophisticated. Have you started or not? What boy do you think is cute? Am I fitting in? Theres a huge influx of new people, new influences, new best friends. Then comes high school with all of its strata of experience. Friendship takes a back seat to relationships, unless you dont find one. Then your friendship is about why youre still trying to find the right guy. One by one, most of us find that guy and settle down. Maybe you went to college. Maybe you worked in a family business. Maybe you just worked. Our differences made a difference. We were defining ourselves in the world. Would we have the house, the car, the perfect family? Would we succeed? But all of that is just for a paragraph at reunion time. What really happens defines us. We know that reality included pain and grief. But we present a different face to the world. We show our successes. Some of us married and got jobs and raised families. But those families all have moving parts, people making decisions, having accidents, even dying. The things we thought we wanted are way more complicated than anyone could possibly have told us. Some of us are gay and have lived complicated lives, sometimes hiding, sometimes refusing to hide. Whichever way we went, we had to acknowledge that we were not living full lives. We went through deaths of loved ones without the pillow of society to fall back on. We soldiered on through prejudice and injustice to accept each other in hopes that we could accept ourselves. Some of us devoted our lives to careers and found them lacking. We met with red tape and people who worked out their personal problems at work. We found that work is as much about trying to navigate personal relationships as family is. We cant get away from each other. We are all struggling, suffering, celebrating, joyful, sorrowful, angry, sad, guilty people. We are all of those things all the time. We still have children. We still fall in love. We still move forward every single day. We count on each other. We love each other. We work together. We know each other. We marry. We celebrate. WE. Everything is happening because of all of us. WE NEED EACH OTHER. I need all of you. I need your acceptance. I need your validation, we all do. Today I vow to make someone feel more welcome, to extend grace as grace has been so abundantly shared with me and to love as best I can, with kindess and compassion for all weve all had to endure.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 16:24:52 +0000

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