God - Still In Schools ----- I used to be an ardent believer - TopicsExpress


God - Still In Schools ----- I used to be an ardent believer that God has been pushed out of schools. Whether it was the accounts of students not being able to publicly pray at graduation, a student not being able to read a Bible, or Bible study groups not being allowed at school, I could provide you evidence that God has been pushed out of schools. This is really not true though. First and foremost. God cant be pushed out of anywhere by anyone. Said another way, He is everywhere at all times. Elvis may have left the building; Christ is still there. As well, there are countless times that prayers have been offered at schools. Pardon the pun, but there is little doubt many young students across all grades are sighing a word to the Creator for divine assistance. It is clear even from school activities that Wednesday night and Sundays are reserved for church attendance. Even at the college level, I know personally that there are far more groups engaged in Christian efforts, Bible studies and the like than any other religion or atheistic groups. Far more. So why do Christians say things like God has been pushed out of school? Let me offer a sample list of reasons. By the way, the list is not in any particular order. 1. It fits a certain end times theology. Many people believe we are in the last days currently. It is clear from the NT renderings that the writers understood their overlap time of OT and NT economies being the last days of the Mosaic order. Since the last days phrase is taken out of context from these last days and it is the last time, there has been a propensity to formulate evidence to support this theory espoused first in the 1800s and popularized by the notes of the Schofield Bible. Furthermore the fictional Left Behind series has been taken as last days doctrine and any bad thing is a sign of the times. To put it bluntly, there is no Biblical evidence to support we are in the last days because supposedly God has been pushed out of schools. 2. Its politically motivated. Politics is defined with power in mind. Hot button issues become hot button because the masses are told something, an issue, surely is of importance. Candidates, the media, and government officials will take something and make political hay out of anything and everything. Why? For votes; for power! Let me be bold to all reading these words, it will not matter one iota if prayer is banned or Bibles not allowed into schools. Let me assure you that if we think that a political system somehow guarantees our freedoms we know that, like the previous sentence it can be taken away. Whatever the case, it wont matter because enforcing such arcane rules is not SPIRITUALLY possible. I repeat, it is NOT spiritually possible. There is no way that communication with the Father can ever be stopped by anyone. Father communicates with his family by the Spirit. Furthermore, no physical Bible will be able to trump the Word that is already hid in our hearts. Once the Truth is unveiled, it is settled in each believer. This is the difference between revelation by the Spirit and mere reading and bible study for knowledge. Again, there is just no way these regulations can possibly work since the Kingdom is ALREADY WITHIN. 3. This last point is a little harder to notice and longer to explain. Please dont take my words apart from my Spirit of Love. Evangelical, Pentecostal and Charismatics are well known for preaching and teaching the affects of sin and the power of a devil, whatever your definition is. Fleshed out there is a certain consciousness that sins committed within a physical boundary called a nation will come back not just on the person but on all citizens and that the devil is lying in wait and ready to pounce and take advantage of these misdeeds. Much of this thought is carried over from the Mosaic covenant and rendered in the new. Some have even gone so far to say that America is cursed because of the misdeeds of a few and therefore implicate that because I was physically born in one part of the country I will have to pay for the problems of another born before I was and in another part of the country. This has many problems for sure. Let me be clear that unwise decisions have consequences. If I play with my iPhone and get in an accident I will pay the price for the fix to the car. It is quite a jump to say that there is a curse on someone else for my own actions. Curses are heavy things. Curses are known not as mere personal consequences but as being placed and put into a certain person as a FIXED NATURE. Remember we are talking of Spiritual things and eternal qualities. Curses are more than indictments of what is wrong they are accusations that are meant to bring a finality and that is condemnation. Damnation, a very strong word, is the end result of curses. People, pastors, and denominations that throw around curses to the point that whole nations, including children and babies, are damned is one not of the Fathers heart. It says there is no chance! This mentality is talked about in Hebrews. A sin conscious mentality with heavy emphasis on the power of the devil, whatever he or it is, adjures well meaning people to believe that any misdeed is divine retribution on even innocent people who have nothing to do with certain situations. On the flip side, sin and the devil somehow are in the driver seat. Passages from the OT like stating your heart is wicked and deceitful are used in conjunction with a thorough emphasis on satan being a snake in the grass and having lots of power, especially for some after a red hot Sunday service. Ive even known preachers to say things after a good service that we should watch for the devil. Sounds like good advice but that is clearly not repentance. We are supposed to fix our gaze on Christ regardless of the outward turmoil. Ask Peter about walking on water! Here is the answer. These and many more examples have to be taken within context of the Finished Work. God has given us a NEW HEART. The Cross defeated any devil, whatever your idea of him, it, them are. We live in a dispensation where the Kingdom without is in the past. The Kingdom within is more powerful than the illusions in the physical world. Put another way, it can look like sin, the devil and the bad guys are winning to the Adamic nature, but the Christ within just keeps blessing and decreeing the Finished Work and the Fathers Love. This latter part is the reality, the substance and I might add the Truth, forever settled. For anyone reading these words we must realize that God clearly is never pushed outside of schools. This could never happen. It is clear though that what WE think about certain things can bring about a false reality. Let us gird up His mind and realize that many of the things we feel are spiritually bad will never ever hinder our relationship with the One and are only showings of living in an old mindset. God, yes and for sure, He is in schools. More importantly He filleth all in all! Now that is something to shout about!!!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 15:56:52 +0000

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