God Bless you all. I pray that you are all well. I want to thank - TopicsExpress


God Bless you all. I pray that you are all well. I want to thank all of my family and friends for praying for me for the past few months. I always say the Lord is my healer even when I am feeling very sick. As most of you know, I was admitted in the hospital during the month of April with pneumonia. During the hospital stay I was told there was a mass in my left lung, possibly cancerous. On July 2nd. I was told I had lung cancer. I am a non smoker, but it could happen to anyone as per the doctor. I went through a few tests and two separate surgeries for biopsies. All the tests came back negative for cancer cells. I asked my doctor if my case was rare and he said yes, because they were not able to identify what type of mass it is. I know my God healed me!!! I looked at my doctor and said Praise Jesus. I have to follow up with a cat scan at the end of the month, I pray that the mass is completely gone and the doctor can finally clear me. Who is willing to join me in praying for this miracle? Hugs and kisses. God bless you all.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 23:05:12 +0000

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