God Is Good – Stop Blamming Him for Evil (and misspelled - TopicsExpress


God Is Good – Stop Blamming Him for Evil (and misspelled words) I ride by a sign on my daily commute that reads exactly the way it is written above except I added the “and misspelled words.” I am not trying to demean anyone in the slightest bit for misspelling “blaming” because I think it really gets the point across. The church has a good message to share, that God is good and He shouldnt be blamed for evil. I chuckle when I read this sign because I think He also shouldnt be blamed for misspelled words. I’m going somewhere with this I promise….. I recently found out that my former student minister and a hero of mine is a self-proclaimed atheist now. I do not know his whole story and I still care deeply about him regardless of his new found disbelief. I know that over the last few years there have been some so called “Christians” that have really burned them and given them a rotten taste of what the church should be. In my opinion, often times we get burned by someone in the church and we apply that to A) everyone in the church or B) even to God. Our thought pattern is if someone judges you and they proclaim to be a loving Christian, then their God must be judgmental also while proclaiming to be a loving Father. So as a result we just leave that church and maybe we’ll find a new one or even worse our hearts become calloused towards Christianity. Now don’t get me wrong, there are hypocrites in the church, there are judgmental “better than thou” bucketheads in the church, and there are people that are going to push you away from the church. I am not blaming people for getting their feelings hurt because I have had my own personal run-ins with people that I considered a brother or sister in Christ. I have been called names by people that thought should have had my back no matter what. But here is where we have absolutely got to stay grounded in faith; we cannot blame God for stupidity and false holiness in people. We are only hurting ourselves if we allow people to shape or view and image of God. We want to be a church that is centered on Jesus, not just in our sayings but in our actions. This means that we want to be a church that picks people up when they are down, not because we are just such loving people but because Jesus picked us up when we were down. We don’t do it because we have it all figured out but because when we were powerless to pull ourselves out of the thundering waters Christ stood unshakeable above them and pulled us to safety. We do not get to say who God is, we only have faith that He is as loving and just as He says He is. Don’t allow others to shape your opinions about who God is, just because they don’t have it all figured out yet. Keep your eyes focused on Christ because when we come to know Him, then we can understand the goodness of God. This Sunday we will touch on this topic and how you can look past the waves and find out what’s missing in your story. In the meantime, stop blamming God for evil and misspelled words.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:02:45 +0000

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