God Is In Control The stage is being set by satan and the - TopicsExpress


God Is In Control The stage is being set by satan and the illuminati for the coming new world order. God is allowing satan his time on earth, to not only bring about his judgements on a very sinful world. But also in doing so, satan and the illuminati will also prove God to be God, and his Word to be truth. For everything they are have done, are currently doing, and will do to bring about the antichrist reign , has already been prophesied about in the bible. That is poetic justice at it’s finest. That satan and his people who so hate God, will actually prove him to be the one True and only God, by their very actions . Because they are fullfilling every prophecy God said in his Word about the end times. The movie and music industry which is totally owned by the illuminati , is making every movie and music possible to condition and control the minds of mankind , so they will readily accept the antichrist as being God.What saddens me, is how little christians know and understand about their enemy and his plans. Most have no idea about the occult and its symbols. I have seen christians in droves adopt occultism and it’s symbols in what they watch, wear, listen to, play via computer games etc. Even churches have occultic symbols in their churches or flyers. Pastors will tweet any inspirational quote, they think sounds good. Trouble is many of these so called inspirations come from men and women dead or alive who are part of the illuminati. In this day and age there is no reason any christian should be ignorant . Because the information about the illuminati and their coming new world order, the occult and its symbols or who in this world really has a satanic agenda, can be easily found via the comp. Christians world over have been well and truly sucked in by all of these angels of light, who pretend to be on Gods side, but are not in reality.Just because someone appears Godly, or says something that sounds inspirational and nice, doesn’t mean it’s of God. Satan appears more as an angel of light to people, than he does as his normal evil self.But with God’s wisdom and discernment a christian should be able to spot the deceivers. Trouble is , many christians are falling for such people, showing they have very little discernment and wisdom. Most churches are hurtling so fast straight into the antichrist’s clutches, because they have exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and follow satanic and man made doctrines instead of Gods. youtu.be/dSUFEkDvoSc
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 11:02:50 +0000

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