God Is Working It Out A sermon by Pastor Martin C. - TopicsExpress


God Is Working It Out A sermon by Pastor Martin C. Palmer Its important to know that you can have an assurance in God. Many of us dont understand why things happen in our lives. Some of us in the past have had some very negative things and extremely hurtful things happen to us, leaving us wondering why would a God who is so just, loving, and kind allow such a thing to happen to me. But I want you to understand that God has a divine plan. Our God has a master plan for each of us, but its up to us to surrender to His will. We must be like Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane when He declared Nevertheless not my will but thine be done. The Bible says that He knows the number of hairs on our head. He knows us better than we know ourselves. God knows what it will take to move, stimulate, activate, or motivate each of us. Ultimately He knows what it will take to get us into the place that He would have us. Therefore, God allows those unpleasant things (trials, storms) to come in our lives because He is just trying to perfect and direct us. 1Peter 5: 10 says But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. Sometimes God allows suffering, trouble, and trials for the perfecting of the saints. But I want you to know that you can have an assurance in God. Because He promised never to leave you nor forsake you. In Psalm 37: 25-26 David said I have been young , and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. In our text we find Paul writing to the Romans. He was encouraging them in the faith. In that time if you were a Christian you could be subject to persecution or attack, for the name Christian or to be called a Christian was considered a slander by the non Christians. Contrary to popular belief, Christian was not a title that was made up by those that loved Christ but it was by those that utterly opposed Him. It was a word such as Nigger or any other hate name. However, the Christians in that time were not offended because it associated them with the one that was able to deliver them. It identified them with Christ, the anointed one, the Messiah, the one who died for them, arose for them, was exalted for them, and intercedes for them. Therefore we find the Apostle Paul encouraging them. Paul wanted them to know that everything that they experience in this life, all the struggles, pain, frustration, heartaches, disappointments, and suffering, that all things work together for the good. Theres a saying that says its all good. Saints, God knows all things (omnipotent). Sees everything (omnipresent). He has experienced everything that you could possibly experience in life, through his son, Jesus. God rules all things, made all things, is in control of all things, and is working all things together for your good. God is working it out. Paul said all things work together. These two words in conjunction means to create and eliminate, place and replace, connect and group, interrelate and intermingle, shape and forge, press and stretch, move and operate, control and guide, arrange and influence. The words, work together, also imply present action, which means that all things are continually working together for good. I want you to know that God is arranging and rearranging all things in your life. The word good comes from the Greek word Agathon which means ultimate good. You see, we dont know our future, we dont know how the events that happen in our lives will effect us later. But God knows our beginning as well as our ending. Your end was already set before you began. Therefore, God takes all of the events of our lives and works them out for our ultimate good. God is working it out. I am reminded of Joseph in the Old Testament, of how God was using all the events of his life to get him where He wanted him to be. Joseph went from the pit to the palace and in Genesis 50: 19 Joseph asked the question am I in the place of God? Sometimes you may have to go through, getting to the place where God ultimately wants you. I want you to understand that you have to go through to get through. All things work together for the good of them that love the lord and are called according to his purpose. God has a condition and God is not bound to His promise if we are not faithful to the conditions. If you want God to work it out for you, you must love the Lord and work for Him. Work for God and He will work for you. Take care of Gods business and Hell take care of yours. God is working it out. When I look back over my life and think about all the events in my life up unto the present time, the good as well as the bad, the bitter, and the sweet. I can see how God was working it out and how sometimes rejection is Gods protection. God knows what is best for us and Hes working it out for our good. Say with me, God is working it out!
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 02:00:40 +0000

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