God Just spoke, What are you doing in Your Wilderness Experience? - TopicsExpress


God Just spoke, What are you doing in Your Wilderness Experience? It could take you Forty days or Forty YEARS. Make a Decision Today!!! Moses was in the wilderness when I called him to lead Israel out of Egypt. In fact, Moses had spent forty years in the wilderness prior to his call. He had even become productive and blessed in the wilderness. The wilderness prepared him to lead Israel. It was in the wilderness that his attitude changed from that of a brash, impatient man who relied on his own power, ability and authority to a man who was gentle, patient and giving of himself. It was a wilderness time, again of forty years, that prepared Israel to enter into Canaan. It was a time of learning to be obedient to My word. It was a time of learning to rely on Me and His ability to meet their needs. It was a time of learning that I keep my promises. When they came out of the wilderness, Israel was ready to rely on Him. Joshua spent forty years in the wilderness and it prepared him to become the leader of Israel after Moses died. It prepared him to face the impossible obstacles such as the Jordan, Jericho and nations that were much greater military powers than Israel; and to know that God would fight their battles for them. The wilderness prepared him to stand before Israel and challenge them to serve Me. Caleb was spurred by forty years spent in the wilderness and declared that he was fully prepared to claim My promises. Caleb went on to demand that he receive what was his and assured Joshua he was going to lead his people into battle and take their land. The wilderness brought compassion and insight to a young man who was to be king of Israel. For a number of years David lived in caves in the wilderness while running for his life. This time prepared him for forty years of leading Israel. It was here he learned to treasure My blessings. It was here that he experienced rejection and became compassionate toward those who also experienced rejection, even to his own injury. It was in the wilderness that Elijah had a close encounter with Me. He had experienced My power in his life. He had witnessed many miracles, food from ravens, oil and meal supplied from Me, consuming fire from heaven, a rainstorm in response to his prayer and fleet feet that could out run horses. However, it was in the wilderness that I spoke to him. I showed that he was not alone but others also trusted Me and My will. It was in the wilderness that I sent an angel to minister to Elijah and to encourage him, enabling him to return to his ministry. After the wilderness he was able to share the anointing that was upon his life with Elisha and then to pass on a double portion to his disciple. It was after the wilderness that I sent him a fiery taxicab to escort him to heaven. In the wilderness, John the Baptist prepared himself for the ministry that I had called him. In the wilderness, John received the message, which he preached to Israel. It was from the wilderness that he obtained the intestinal fortitude to stand up to the highest authority in the land and declare a need for righteousness. My Son Jesus, pointed out there was none like John the Baptist. It was in the wilderness that Jesus spent forty days spiritually preparing himself for his ministry. It was here that He withstood testing and temptations that were designed to sabotage His purpose, but they failed. It was in the wilderness that angels came to minister to Him. It was from the wilderness that He came preaching a message of My Kingdom working miracles and healing all manner of diseases. (See Luke 4) Many didn’t know that they were had an encounter with Me through Him. After his conversion, Paul took some time to go into the desert of Arabia. It was during this time that he obtained a personal knowledge of Me. He had many years of teaching but it was in the wilderness that I revealed my Son to proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles. (Gal 1:16) He came from this wilderness experience with a message and mission to take the wonderful message of Jesus Christ to the whole world. The wilderness can affect you in two different ways. When Israel was in the wilderness, many people died because they refused to recognize it as a place of growth and maturity. They looked upon it as their destiny. They saw themselves as grasshoppers and unable to overcome. The other way it can affect you is as a place where I can become personal with you and take you to a new level in Me. I can minister to you and encourage you. I can give you a new message brought about by a divine revelation of who I am. Do not become frustrated and discouraged in your wilderness. Remember and stand on the promise I have for your life. Envision the great victories because of time spent in the wilderness. In addition, use this time as a time to focus on your relationship with Me. Watch as I bring blessing of provision and sustenance to you, ministering to your needs. I know the wilderness isn’t a pleasant place to be but when you have entered into My promises and look back your wilderness experience, you will be blessed at what you experienced during that time. If you can worship ME in the wilderness, I will allow you to praise ME in the Promised Land!!! PASTOR DAMEIAN BATTLE, MBA
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:10:49 +0000

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