God Loves Me No Matter What A Meditation on Psalm 139 Article - TopicsExpress


God Loves Me No Matter What A Meditation on Psalm 139 Article Tools Text Size Add a comment (0) Print this article Email this article Share “O Lord, you have probed me and you know me.” (Psalm 139:1) Lord, when I read these words, my heart becomes anxious. It makes me cringe to think that you know my inmost thoughts, everything about me, even the words I have yet to speak. You know the sharp word I barely held back from my spouse? You know how my thoughts wander in directions that only satisfy my greed? You know those disparaging comments I made about a co-worker in a moment of anger? That’s just too much for me to handle! If you see everything, even my worst, how can I stand before you? Like Adam and Eve, my first impulse is to try to find a place to hide. But where can I hide from you? I can’t avoid your Spirit, who dwells within me! No matter where I go, you are there, behind me and before me. You rest your hand on me. How can that be? Are you not, in your justice, repelled by my failures? No, Lord, for your justice is dispensed with great mercy. Even if I were to sink to the lowest place, you would still be there. You would be with me no matter where I go. How amazing, Lord, that you show such kindness to me! You guide me and hold me fast, even when I am at my lowest! When I most need you to lead me out of the darkness, you are ready for me. You understand me and can untangle the mess I sometimes make. I don’t need to fear your scrutiny, because when you look at me, your eyes shine with love. Lord, help me to open my life more fully to you. Come and examine every corner of my heart, because your light can cast out any bit of darkness in me. Let your gaze fall upon me so that I can be healed. Let my failures be exposed so that I can walk in the freedom of a forgiven child of God! Lord, I come to you with confidence and trust. I rejoice that though you don’t accept my sin, you love me and call me your child! I love you, Lord! Your complete understanding of me is too wonderful for me to grasp, but I rejoice in it!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:56:22 +0000

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