God Morning God and our Family: The Holy Spirit I would like to - TopicsExpress


God Morning God and our Family: The Holy Spirit I would like to share with you all, in order the events that my wife and I experienced in the spring of Last Year. I was getting ready for school. my wife and I heard what we thought to be Two Owls Hooting in a tall tree Behind Our RV. When I went to Look in the tall tree I Saw nothing, This went on for many days and then finally I saw what was making the Hoot noises, There in this Tall Tree were 2 doves, I said God morning to them as I normally would and The Doves Flew down and landed on a cable directly behind where we Lived. The Interesting Part of this experience is that the doves followed me every day that spring term. Then shortly before we left to go to moms house for the Three Month Summer Break, The doves disappeared .My wife and I drove our RV to our Mothers in the Coastal mountains between Beaver and Hebo very close to 101 Camp Bar and Grill. During those three months very interesting events continued to Happened, I was baptized shortly after we got there by Brother Joe a Brother that stopped to talk to our dog ZooZee as he was passing by on his bike. Then Late one night up in the mountains directly next to us we heard what Sounded to me as one horn Calling to the other, one horn blowing from directly next to us the other Horn that responded back sounded miles and miles away and I could hear that the horn sound from far away was coming closer each time it responded. What was interesting to me was that the horn sound from far away was gaining ground, rather quickly Oddly enough I could not hear any noises from the brush it was extremely quiet but I could hear the Horns coming to each other. The sounds I heard sounded like a sound a person would hear when a Viking is blowing through a horn for right before battle. The sounds we heard were so horrific that our Mother asked us to bring in the Animals and shut the doors. I was curious and went out of the RV and went up to the edge of the Mountain to listen and that is when I heard the two Viking like sounds come together, I never heard any noises from the brush that is what was very interesting to me. Shortly after we heard what sounded like a terrible fight was taking place soon there was the loudest blood curdling scream that I have ever heard, It stood the hairs up on the back of my neck and then the Night went completely quiet. The Interesting event that took place after this was I began having this over whelming desire to read the commandments of God in the Bible please understand for me to have this as a priority or thought was odd for me but I paid attention to this new desire. Brothers and Sisters I have always been a partying sort of guy I attended church most Sundays but I was not motivated to truly knowing God and Jesus. Now after these events, my life changed I had a powerful desire to study the Bible the desire I experienced was like no feeling I have ever experienced before. I must add that I being a person who went to every denomination of church Service remember feeling odd because as I was going to all these different denominations I would look around and most of the couples I saw were together in service and my wife Maggie always choose to stay home. So I asked my wife Maggie “Honey why is it that you do not go with me to church?” and she replied “Honey do you know about the 4th commandment of God” I said “No, not really”, she replied “I am going to suggest to you to ask the Brothers (Pastors) at these churches you are attending about the 4th commandment and that is what I did. I never did hear what I thought to be a logical answer if I heard an answer at all from the Brothers (Pastors) to the question about the 4th commandment which in turn Thank God helped inspire me with a special curious interest to the Subject of Gods Seventh Day. Brothers and Sisters Now with this new desire to read the Bible and three months of summer I began to study the bible while watching and listening to Brother Doug Bachelor on a DVD our Grandmother gave us. Another interesting event is that after spring and summer passed I noticed that my desire to read the Bible began to diminish the feeling went into a dormant state. Spring came early this year and that desire to study the Bible has come out of the dormant state the feeling is stronger than I experienced before, I am feeling compelled to watching and listening to other brothers for example Stephen Bohr and Brother Doug bachelor Via YouTube about the topic of Revelations, I never would of imagined that I would be Researching Revelations and then posting my findings on Facebook that is when I truly experienced the fear of God. I can write you this Brothers and Sisters we will not share with you anything that is not of truth, Our mission is to share with you the Three angels messages of Revelation 14 to give all the peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues the information they will need to help them with their decision on what they are going to do before Jesus comes. Please understand that I never would have imagined that God had a plan for me, I have always thought of myself as a top sinner but I know it is not me it is God working through me, Brothers and sisters I truly believe Babylon has fallen. The world we live and what we as people are displaying is a constant reminder to the actions the peoples displayed while living in Sodom and Gomorrah. Brothers and Sisters and My Blood Family This is a final warning to turn from the worldly traditions and honor God the Creator of it all, The World we Live In "The Lord is coming", will be the cry. This message will be worldwide. Remember an angel is a ministering spirit. These will be evangelists. One more time I write this is the final warning that judgment is about to fall. (youtube/watch?v=ymn9Xh8FLiQ)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:45:03 +0000

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