God NEVER intended salvation to be a battle to obtain. Some will - TopicsExpress


God NEVER intended salvation to be a battle to obtain. Some will tell you that you must be picked by God to be saved. That is true in a much broader sense, God picked ALL of mankind to spend eternity with him. He made his choice. The decision to choose God is in the hands of each of us. When Jesus hung from and died on that bloody cross God removed the only obstacle between him and us. The obstacle was sin. Jesus paid the bill for each and every sin for each of us. Many want to tell you that gaining Salvation is a long drawn out painful process, it is Not. Some will tell you that you MUST in order to FULLY understand God must read other texts in addition to the Bible. Whatever you need to know about God, his love, and grace you can find in his word, The Holy Bible. Do not allow people to tell you which version of the bible is the one true word of God stay away from those who say many writing that should have been included in the Bible, were left out. I with all my heart and soul will resist those who say God left it up to man to know what he wanted to be written and included in the Bible. As the hand of each man who penned Gods word, lifted his quill placed it into the ink then to the parchment were guided by the hand of the one true God. If you read someones avenue to Salvation and it seems confusing, complicated and impossible to understand, ask yourself this question. Why would God, if he REALLY loves me, make it so difficult to gain his grace, love and guidance? If someones post leads you in circles, there is a reason, they are feeding their ego at your expense! Theyre trying to show you how much more they know about God than you do! God WOULD NOT bless ANYONE with a little extra knowledge about him in order that they may CONFUSE YOU! It is not up to me to judge these people and the state of their Salvation and/or theyre commitment to God. IF they are spreading false teaching, I will call them on it! Heaven is the goal, Jesus is the way and the Bible is the instruction guide! Be safe my friends, be blessed, there are not enough adjectives to proclaim the level of Gods love for you. ~Pastor Don Champion~
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:03:02 +0000

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