God Thanks for this Day, Allow God to be our director... I will - TopicsExpress


God Thanks for this Day, Allow God to be our director... I will hep you in all ways you path... TWELFTH SECRET TO TRIUMPH TRUST AND ALLOW GOD TO WORK IN YOU Trust and allow God to work in you. What promise does the Lord give to those who surrender themselves completely to Jesus? He provides assurance that we will not lack the strength to come out victorious, and that he will work in us both to will and to do. This means that He will do everything for us that we cannot do for ourselves. (Philippians 2:12-13). If we have given ourselves to Jesus, we have put ourselves on the side of right; God will put the desire to obey Him in our hearts, and He will give us necessary strength to do it. Through his spirit, He influences our strength of will, since He has called us and wants us to be happy. ALWAYS GOD IS A PRODUCT OF DESTINY Success or failure, salvation or perdition, our lives are in our Hands. Do not blame anyone; do not complain about anyone or anything because, fundamentally, you have made your life. Accept the responsibility to edify yourself in the power of the Holy Spirit, have the courage to accept your Failure so you can start over and fix your eyes upon God and not on yourself. This is Twelve Secret to Triumph.. if you want to be successor you must follow that but if you don’t want to follow accept failure in your life.. Elijah’s message is directed to us: “How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him” (1 Kings 18:21) Be blessed a Lot… Dear.. SIRI YA KUMI NA MBILI YA USHINDI Mtumaini na Mruhusu Mungu afanye kazi ndani yako Mtumaini na Mruhusu Mungu afanye kazi ndani yako. Ni ahadi gani ambayo Bwana ameonyesha au alionyesha kwa wale ambao walijisalimisha wenyewe kabisa kwa Yesu? Yeye hutoa na kutuahakikishia kwamba sisi atuwezi kukosa nguvu ili kuja kuwa washindi wa nje , na kwamba yeye ufanya kazi kwetu sisi wote kwa mapenzi. Hii ina maana kuwa ufanya kila kitu kwa ajili yetu kwamba hatuwezi kufanya sisi wenyewe bila yeye . (Wafilipi 2:12-13). Kama tumetoa maisha yetu wenyewe kwa Yesu , tumeweka maisha yetu wenyewe upande wa kulia; Mungu ataweka hamu ya kumtii ndani ya mioyo yetu, na atatupa nguvu muhimu ya kufanya hivyo. Kupitia roho yake , yenye mvuto na nguvu yetu ya mapenzi kwake, tangu ametuita na anataka sisi kuwa na furaha. DAIMA MUNGU NI BIDHAA YA HATIMA YETU. Mafanikio au kushindwa , wokovu au kupotea, maisha yetu wakati wote yako katika mikono yetu. Usije mlaumu au kupeleka lawama kwa mtu yeyote , wala kulalamika juu ya mtu yeyote au kitu chochote kwa sababu , kimsingi, umeweka maisha yako kwenye mikono yako. Kubali wajibu wa kusaidiana mwenyewe katika nguvu za Roho Mtakatifu , na Ujasiri wa kukubali kushindwa kwako ili uweze kuanza upya kurekebisha macho yako juu ya Mungu na wewe mwenyewe. Hizi ni Siri Kumi na mbili za Ushindi .. kama unataka kuwa mtu wa mafanikio lazima ufuate, Lakini kama wewe utaki kufuata; Kubali kushindwa katika maisha yako .. Ujumbe huu wa Elia ni umeelekezwa kwetu: Mtasita-sita katikati ya mawazo mawili mpaka lini? Kama Bwana ni Mungu, mfuateni. Bali ikiwa Baali ndie mungu , basi Mfuateni (1 Wafalme 18:21). Barikiwa Sana ... Mpendwa ..
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 08:29:24 +0000

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