God: Well, because of what you got them to do, now they have to - TopicsExpress


God: Well, because of what you got them to do, now they have to die. Satan: So?. God: That means you have to die too. Satan: No I dont. God: How is that?. Satan: You cant kill me. Unless you can prove that you wouldnt do the same thing in similar circumstances. With the right pressure youll bend or break the rules too. No one is any better than me, with the right circumstances and motivation anyone will bend or break the rules. (That Satan feels that no one has perfect integrity, and that Gods integrity is on trial can be established with at least two accounts in the bible. The first is in Job chapter 2:3 wherein God in talking to Satan says you try to incite me without cause to do evil to my servant Job, thus showing that Satan thought he could provoke God to do wrong. The second account is in Matthew 4:1-11 where Satan directly tries to challenge and compromise Jesus integrity. Again, who was Jesus picturing?) God: Thats not true, my laws are perfect and Ill never break them. Satan: Really? Well, try this one on, big guy. You told Adam and Eve if they touched or ate that fruit they would die and youd reject them. Yes?. God: Yes.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 21:25:49 +0000

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