God Will Speak to Me As we seek God’s guidance, we sometimes - TopicsExpress


God Will Speak to Me As we seek God’s guidance, we sometimes think it would be nice if we could hear Him clearly. We find ourselves hoping for our own “burning bush” to point us in the right direction. Does God still speak to us today..??? The answer is a resounding, “Yes..!!! God does speak to us..!!!” But sometimes we don’t hear because we are listening for the wrong thing. There isn’t always a clear and easy to understand answer, and most of us will never actually “hear” God’s voice in our ears. But he speaks to us daily through our prayers, through Scripture, through our consciences and through the events He orchestrates to teach us and help us to grow spiritually. Are you so busy listening for a voice in the night that you are missing opportunities to receive God’s word in the world around you? God’s desire is for us to willingly wait until He is ready to reveal His Word, but we are often in a hurry, and may misinterpret or convince ourselves that He has told us something just because it is what we want to hear! Don’t act in haste because you are tired of waiting for God to speak to you. Seek his counsel and wait for His instruction to guide you, otherwise you may miss out on God’s finest and very best because you’ve taken a shortcut. God speaks to us in many ways. He speaks through His Word, our conscience, and the events around us. “Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” - Jeremiah 33:3 The Bible is filled with God speaking His Word. This is literally the revealed Word of God, and is just as relevant today as it was thousands of years ago. God is eternal and so are His Words! They do not change with the passage of time, so if you want to hear Him speaking clearly, read His Word. “All Scripture is God-created and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” - 2 Timothy 3:16-17 Our conscience is one of the most profound ways that God speaks to us today. Think about it – whenever your conscience bothers you, isn’t it because you’ve done something that is contrary to God’s word? That is because God, in His infinite love for us, has given each of us a conscience that nudges our souls and tells us when we are wrong, gently guiding us back to the path God has laid out for us. He is the voice of love speaking inside our souls! The challenges we face, the hardships we bear and the triumphs we experience are all part of God speaking to us. Through the circumstances we face each day, God is changing us and helping us to mature spiritually. As we draw closer to God, we will realize that He has been there all along. But to truly hear God’s Word, we must not look for ways to further our own agendas. We must be seeking His will for us. The more we seek after what God has planned for us, the more He will speak to us, whether through His Holy Word, through the voice of others, or through our consciences. We cannot expect revelation or demand that God speak to us – He will speak when the need is there, and if we are actively seeking Him, we will hear His words in our heart and soul. Sometimes He speaks to us quickly, other times we must wait quietly upon His word to be revealed in the time He knows is right and proper for us. God promises in the Bible that He speaks through Christ and will speak to all who listen earnestly for His voice: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him.” Revelations 3:20
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 06:13:53 +0000

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