God Won’t Bless a Mess……… I was reading a friend on - TopicsExpress


God Won’t Bless a Mess……… I was reading a friend on Facebook here talking about God doesn’t bless a mess. So if we want to see God work in an area of our life, or to fill an area of our life, we have to learn what He says about that area, what kind of form He wants, then do our best to build the form He wants because He can’t change and do what is against His nature and bless a mess! To be blessed is to receive divine or supernatural aid and to be favored and fortunate. How many of you could use a little of God’s blessings in your life? How many of you have ever wondered why God doesn’t bless in an area of your life? Well, are you building the right forms so that God has something to pour His blessings into? You want God to bless your finances? Are they in order or are they a mess? You want God to bless your family? Is it in order? Here is an example, where God has convicted someone, this person’s health. This individual wants God to bless his health and heal his body but he keeps doing all the wrong things, He keeps putting all the wrong things into it. He tells everybody that he is fat because he has a gland problem, yeah, his salivary gland greasing up those Twinkies he keeps shoving down. Or he doesn’t take care of his body right, he doesn’t exercise and he doesn’t sleep right and he doesn’t eat right. He eats way too much fast food and in the car as he rushes from one place to another. How can he expect God to bless his health and heal his body when he doesn’t give God anything to work with? This is just how God works, He has laid out in His word His plan for every area of our lives, and He wants to bring honor and blessing into every area of our lives but we have to give Him something to work with. We do things that block God from being able to work and bring blessing in our lives; we need to remove the road blocks. Don’t know what you should be doing? Just ask! Get in the Bible? Pray and say God this area is a mess in my life and I don’t know how to fix it, will you show me how to fix it. God has a plan and an order for every area of your life. I am not saying I’m perfect. I have messes I need to address. But my attitude is striving to fix those messes I created. Having the right attitude is the best route to go.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 04:58:27 +0000

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