God Your OMEGA: You have learned and known The Lord as your - TopicsExpress


God Your OMEGA: You have learned and known The Lord as your Healer, your Deliver, your Savior and you know the difference in the powers that The Lord uses in each of these titles to bless your life.. But do you know Him as the OMEGA in your life..? He said , I am the Alpha and the OMEGA , the beginning and the END... Since you know these other manifestations of God, you must also know and understand the manifestation of Him as OMEGA IN YOUR LIFE!! It is imperative that we know Him as OMEGA seeing that we are now living in the age of the End... It just makes perfect sense and this is why The Lord is revealing more to us about who He is in this realm in our generation..!! When The Lord is the OMEGA in your life He Operates as the FINISHER in a Sovereign way... This means, as you trust Him and walk in faith for this area, He supernaturally causes the results of the END of your life to come out alright even when the end of your life is facing adverse circumstances.. HE MAKES YOUR END COME OUT RIGHT SUPERNATURALLY!! Hallelujah!! The Lord your OMEGA controls the outcome of your DESTINY....All the scriptures that weve heard God speak like.. I know that thoughts that I think towards you, thoughts of good and not evil to give you an expected END..(Jer. 29:11)...Here in this passage it basically says its part of His thoughts of goodness to give you an End to look forward to.. Him being the OMEGA in your life is part of the goodness of God.. Other such scriptures as, He that hath begun a good work shall perform it to the day of Jesus Christ.. The Lord operating as the OMEGA means, He uses His supernatural ability to step in during your life when things are out of your control by your own poor choices or by an overwhelming attack of the enemy at a strategical moment to control your End and Outcome. Again, especially when theres an enemy threatening it.. !! This enemy can be yourself or another...Satan.. Gods OMEGA realm is His End Game strategy to overcome our weaknesses and give us favor in the End..Just as He does for His elects sake at the End of the age when He says, If I dont shorten the days no flesh shall be saved but for my elect sake I will shorten the Days.. So this shows us as OMEGA He has the power to control time as well, out of love, to give His people a favorable Outcome!! Wow!! As the OMEGA He has the power over the end of time.. Do you know Him as Omega yet? Weve heard statements all our life such as, He holds our tommorrow and future in His Hands . He controls our beginning and end.. He is the author and finisher of our faith.. He is Alpha and Omega .. Another point, the scripture declares, Jesus was slain in the beginning before the foundation of the world.. God strategically performed a glorious outcome for mankind out of His love with this OMEGA realm even though He knew man was going to mess up and sin... You see this part of God discerns ahead of time not only to see your failures in the future but also devise a strategy to overcome your weakness so that your outcome is Victorious!! Jesus did this same thing with Peter when He said to him, Satan has desired to have you that He may sift you as wheat but I have prayed for thee ... And here comes the Omega statement, And when thou are converted strengthen thy brethren... You see here we dont see how The Lord was going to work out Peters flaws that Satan desired to destroy him over but Jesus prayers to the Father somehow reached into the OMEGA realm of Gods ability to make things come out alright for Peter for He says, When you are converted... Evidently The Lord worked out Peters victorious outcome inspite of his flawed character thus causing him in the end to be converted and changed.. God also has a plan to overcome your weaknesses...This part of The Lords Glory as the OMEGA has power to go into your future and even change the outcome of your character flaws to give you victory in the end against the enemy thats warring against your soul.. Wow! What an awesome God!! Always remember when you give God the right to be the sovereign OMEGA in your life you take from the devil the ability to ruin your end.. You take even from yourself the power to mess up your own future through your weaknesses and flaws.. The devil cant use those either!! God has a bright future for you!! In conclusion, The Lord controls the end at the beginning of a thing..God never starts something He doesnt first finish..God completes the end first, not last.. Thats His way!! He said the first shall be last and the END (last) shall be First..!! Your beginning is always last with God and your End is always first.. God puts the emphasis on the END more than the beginning.. The end is more important than the beginning..! The bible says, Better is the END of a thing than the beginning thereof..!! It has always been in Gods heart even during the days He dealt with Israel in the Old Testament to give His people a good END.. His emphasis was MORon their end..not their beginning..He said in Deuteronomy, I led you all this way that I might do you GOOD at your Latter End...Here again it refers to God giving you a favorable End as being apart of His GOODNESS.. David said in Psalm 23...Surely Goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.. Well the Omega part of God falls in this place as a form of His Goodness... The OMEGA realm of God is following you all the days of your life!! So therefore when you know Him as OMEGA in your life, you dont ever have to fear what the future holds nor do you have to be anxietous about tomorrow ..!! God your OMEGA has worked out your END!! Hes the FINISHER in your life!! ~David E. Taylor~
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:49:41 +0000

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