God bless! It’s better to be safe than sorry! Have - TopicsExpress


God bless! It’s better to be safe than sorry! Have you ever heard this saying? In life too many of us put all of our eggs in one basket, we don’t diversify because we find comfort in certain things. What happens when those certain things fall apart? For some of us this is a disaster. We’ve seen this in society take place so many times in the economical side but it frequently happens in the emotional side as well. What am I getting at today? We must begin to invest our hearts and souls correctly. We can’t rely on just a comfortable state of mind in relationships we must have other options. Now please don’t misunderstand what I’m saying here, I’m not saying have more friends just in case one becomes flakey but what I am saying is diversify your friendships. Seek different points of common interest, seek different mutual desires and build on each equally. Why? It’s the difference between knowing of someone and actually knowing someone. Many people I’m sure call you friend but how many people do you actually consider a friend? How many people on your social media profiles friends list are truly your friends? The bottom line is if we want to build strong relationships we have to work on them constantly. Yes I’m talking to married people but I am also talking to single people. We will never experience a true friendship unless the relationship is sought out and edified by both parties. If one person calls the other all the time in a relationship, does the other person really want to talk to them? Relationships are two way streets and if not treated that way they tend to fall apart and the true colors will show in difficult times. This completely applies to our relationship with God, we can’t just withdraw from God and never deposit into Him(I’m not talking about money, that is between you and Him). The same way we seek Him when we are in need is the same way we must worship Him when all is good. I encourage you today (as I do myself) to invest our hearts into...
Posted on: Sat, 24 May 2014 15:45:15 +0000

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