God bless this woman. And God help the black youth in this - TopicsExpress


God bless this woman. And God help the black youth in this country who fail to listen to her message. Over the years, as personnel director for a newspaper in the South who was almost fired for hiring the first black applicant for any position other than a minimum wage mailroom helper, as publisher of a major newspaper in one of the most racially balkanized areas in the country, as a director for the Urban League in both cities, a board member, fund raiser and campaign chairman for the NAACP, Ive directed and worked on many, many self esteem and role model building programs for black youngsters in elementary and high schools. As Bob Herbert of The New York TImes once wrote (paraphrasing) the main problem that black students in this country face is peer pressure from other students who accuse them of trying to act like Whitey, working to pull them down to their own disciplinary problem and failing grade level; often bullying them on the school grounds, sometimes viciously attacking them in groups to get their point across. There are so many wonderful role models out there for black youngsters to follow- boot straps examples who made it on their own-such as George Washington Carver,Booker T. Washington, Condoleeza Rice, Starr Parker, Bill Cosby, Allen West, Dr. Benjamin Carter, and dozens of others we all can name. But the steady, self defeating drum beat in their young and impressionable ears is coming from people like Maxine Waters, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and a legion of left wing writers and broadcasters on all the liberal media whose very existence depends on having a dependent black underclass to pander to and, basically, keep in their welfare dependent state place as sure votes for the socio/communist forces that took over the Democrat party some 4 decades ago. Anne Wortham is associate professor of Sociology at Illinois State University, a continuing visiting scholar at Stanford University. In fall 1988 she was one of a select group of intellectuals who were featured in Bill Moyers television series, A World of Ideas. The transcript of her conversation with Moyers has been published in his book, A World of Ideas. She has published numerous articles on the implications of individual rights for civil rights policy, and is currently writing a book on theories of social and cultural marginality. Recently, she has published articles on the significance of multiculturalism and Afrocentricism in education, the politics of victimization and the social and political impact of political correctness. Shortly after an interview in 2004, she was awarded tenure. Please read her words, as written shortly after the election of Barack Obama to lead this country. They were, and are, indeed prophetic.
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 16:46:55 +0000

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