God calls us to serve. Friends...please read this short - TopicsExpress


God calls us to serve. Friends...please read this short article...this is what it looks like to really follow Jesus. If all of us who call ourselves Christians followed Jesus like Dr. Kent Brantly and his colleague nurse Nancy Writebol then the cause of Christ...the message of the cross would be irresistible to an unbelieving world. Jesus came...He lived among us...He willingly laid down his life for all of us and in so doing he fulfilled His purpose...He pleased God and He found life. He came to serve...not to be served. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down ones life for ones friends. John 15:13 What does it look like for you and me to lay down our lives for our friends? For doctor Brantly and Nurse Writebol it was to walk away from certain wealth in America to in turn raise support from friends and churches so they could care for the poor in Africa with the incredible international ministry Samaritan’s Purse. For my friend Dale Dawson, it was to walk away from additional accumulation of wealth as the head of Investment Banking at Stephens Inc. to serve the students of Rwanda, Africa on his own dime. By following Jesus in this way Dale and his team are making a way for the top student scholars in Rwanda to study at universities in America. Check out his ministry at Bridge2Rwanda.org. For Katy Davis it was to move to Uganda, adopt 13-orphaned girls, set up a feeding program for hundreds and meet the needs of the poor and sick God brings her way. If you havent read Kisses From Katie it is a MUST read. (Amazima.org) For JT Olson it was to walk away from Corporate America and launch The Both Hands Foundation meeting the needs of Orphans & Widows while assisting families who have a desire to adopt but not necessarily the resources to do so. (BothHandsFoundation.org) For Ray Gary it was to walk away from a certain paycheck in the Venture Capital / Investment Banking world to launch an uncertain start-up called iDonate that actually is changing they way people give to the charities of their choice. (iDonate) For my mom, Mallie Murtha, it was to pray for my sister, brother and me every day of our lives and it was to fix the hair of senior citizen ladies for $7.50 per client…actually picking them up and taking them home following their appointments. Interesting fact…as I reflect on these people...they are not earning huge sums of money, my mom never earned more than $18,000 in a year, however they would tell you as they love others, serve their neighbors and follow Jesus...they have never been more alive. Amazing fact…life is found when we give it away. It is counter intuitive but it’s true and behavior like this is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable. How can we follow Jesus today? No…we do not have to move to Africa...however there IS something we are supposed to do. It is my prayer you will take the time to stop and listen to the still small voice of Jesus and then walk in complete obedience to what He asks you to do. If you say yes to Jesus you will never be more alive! Amen
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 02:15:47 +0000

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