God can take any one and turn them from a stone cold killer to a - TopicsExpress


God can take any one and turn them from a stone cold killer to a champion of grace he did it was Saul who later became the Apostle Paul Saul before he became Paul , was a great Pharisee , he stood as Stephen was stone and Stephen was a prize disciple of Jesus , and Saul he disliked the Christians because of what they stood for at that time and he set out to destroy them and hundreds of thousands were killed as well as deeply Persecuted....and one day as he set off because he found where the Christians were hiding he was struck down on the road to Damascus , and came face to face with God and that was the start of a stone cold killer being transformed and turned in a man of God and also a became a fisher of men ...because after that great conversion he could not stop running to bring so many in the pool of God...................................Acts 22:7 .King James Bible And I fell unto the ground, and heard a voice saying unto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 04:26:55 +0000

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