God continues to do amazing things for Abby and our family. As - TopicsExpress


God continues to do amazing things for Abby and our family. As Abby has transitioned home over the last several weeks she has made great progress, gaining strength in many areas and settling into her new therapy regimen. We’ve seen so much joy grow in our little girl as she has reconnected with friends and had the chance to be back in a familiar environment. Abby’s spirit of determination continues with her new therapists. She works hard through 3-4 hours of therapy per day and then often times comes home and asks to do another workout right before she goes to bed! We praise God each night for Abby’s tenacity and desire to get stronger. Abby still needs prayer for many aspects of her recovery. We’ll be consulting with a neuro-opthalmologist next week to reassess Abby’s vision problems. Blurriness and double vision persist and despite how well she has compensated for these impairments, they are preventing her from being able to read properly and impact her overall balance and stability. We were recently advised by doctors at Yale that rather than proceeding with an invasive radiation treatment to address the remaining portion of Abby’s AVM, they will instead watch it closely through regular testing. We continue to pray that God will heal even the remaining 1% of the AVM that exists and prevent any re-bleeding from occurring. Finally, a recent exam of Abby’s vocal chords showed paralysis in one of them and the next three months of speech therapy are critically important in determining whether it can be “reactivated”. We pray for complete healing in all areas of her voice and that God will strengthen it like only He can. Abby’s return home over the last few weeks has once again shown our family the awesome power of prayer, as God continues to humble us with support and prayer from thousands. Thank you again for staying with us. “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,a whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” ~ James 1:2-4 abbyhaggerty
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 00:52:20 +0000

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