God continues to make things difficult - we truly need the prayers - TopicsExpress


God continues to make things difficult - we truly need the prayers to have a willingness and the strength to accept Gods will. Let me set the stage. This is the same neurosurgeon who 5 years ago saw Joe when Joe was having the horrid pain - at that visit he said the pain was not his spine and there was nothing he could do. Eventually, after nine months of horrid pain, they would discover that he had injured his zyphoid process - a very rare injury. He was then sent to UCLA. Today Dr. Rodriguez the neurosurgeon said that from the tests he has seen so far he does not believe Joes pain is from his spine. Presently he sees no need for surgery. He has ordered a double MRI to make sure His two theories: 1. There is a growing Granuloma that is growing - he said basically his body may be rejecting the pain pump which was put in due to the zyphoid process. This statement is from Wikipedia but exactly what Dr. Rodriguez said, Granulomas form when the immune system attempts to wall off substances that it perceives as foreign but is unable to eliminate. 2. The spine is not causing the pain, something else (UNKNOWN) is causing the pain and it is the pain that is causing the curvature. He said, Eventually we may need to send him back to UCLA. I said, I thought you were some of the best neurosurgeons in America. He said, We are good but we dont know everything. then he added, this may be another rare situation like the zyphoid was. We may have to do a lot of searching to find the cause of the pain. The MRI will take about an hour. For Joe to lay on the table that long will be unbearable. He is going to need a miracle for him to be able to get through that. His pain level the last couple of days has been really bad. They were going to try and get him in for the MRI tomorrow, however we are now thinking that maybe it would be better to wait until the wound from the fistula heals. May the Lord continue to direct our steps and give us strength.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:19:51 +0000

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