God directs my path… In the fall of 1974 I was 19 years old and - TopicsExpress


God directs my path… In the fall of 1974 I was 19 years old and I had just finished doing a 10 month Christian band tour of 9 countries in Asia and the western United States with Living Sound II. I was praying about what God wanted me to do next. Early one Tuesday morning, I had a dream. Normally, I never remember my dreams. But, in this dream God was talking to me and was telling me that I was supposed to join Living Sound I which had just left for Poland. I argued with God in my dream. I told Him that I had no money. God gave me the names of three people to phone. He said they would give me the money. ....When I awoke from my dream I talked to the head music director of Living Sound, Larry Dalton. I told him my dream and asked what he thought. He said to phone those three people, and if the money came in ($1200 - which seemed like a huge amount at the time) then it must be God. I phoned those three people that morning and by noon that day, all the funds came in. So, I booked a flight to Chicago to get my Polish visa and flew out on Thursday. The Polish taxi driver was so thrilled to hear my story that he gave me a free ride to the Polish embassy. ...On Friday of that same week, I flew into Warsaw, Poland with a photographer, Scoti Domiej, and joined Don Moen and Living Sound I. They had no idea I was coming because it was before the time of email and cell phones. For the next three and a half weeks, we played in huge Catholic Cathedrals all over Poland. The cathedrals were packed with thousands wherever we played. One night in particular I remember 5,000 people packed (standing shoulder to shoulder) so tightly that the whole crowd swayed as one. At every concert, our speaker, Terry Law, would give an invitation to people to receive Jesus as their Saviour. In those three and half weeks, over 18,000 people indicated that they wanted to believe in Jesus to forgive their sins. ....As a byproduct of those concerts, we had lunch with Cardinal Wojtyla who later became Pope John Paul II. God directs my path…
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 12:02:00 +0000

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