God does not see the shape, appearance, and your possessions, but - TopicsExpress


God does not see the shape, appearance, and your possessions, but He looks at the heart and charity you. ~ Prophet Muhammad~ Perpetual charity is a term for the practice of constantly flowing reward, even if the person doing the deeds is dead. The practice continues to produce rewards keep flowing to him. From Abu Hurayrah stated that the Prophet SAW said, "If the son of Adam (man) died, then terputuslah all (reward of) deeds except for three kinds of actions, ie Jariah charity, beneficial knowledge, and righteous children who pray for him" (Narrated by Muslim) . Apart from the above three types of deeds, there are again some kind of action belonging to the charity. In another narration, the Messenger of Allah said, "Verily among the good and deeds be rewarded those who do so after his death are: science which disseminated. Godly children who abandoned his, Manuscripts (religious books) which is passed on (inherited). Mosque he built . homes are built (to) the inn of people which were on the way river which supplies, to be for interests, the crowds, and treasures, which wherewithal "(Narrated by Ibn Majah).
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 08:42:21 +0000

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