“God does nothing by happenstance. For him everything has point - TopicsExpress


“God does nothing by happenstance. For him everything has point and purpose. He does not speculate. He knows. He is fully aware of what he is about, and he intends it with complete thoroughness.” (Deep Conversion, Deep Prayer; Dubay, Fr. Thomas (2009-06-22). Ignatius Press. Kindle Edition.) A young women asked me if we had a pay phone that she cold use but I had to tell her that it was removed some time ago. “Oh, I walked out here and could not find a phone to call someone to get me. Do you have a phone that I could use? I told her to ask the cashier or CSM and pointed her toward someone. He told her that he could not let her use the phone. After a few seconds thought, I let her use my cell phone but I told her that I would be standing by her to which she agreed. After the call was completed, she left the building to wait for her ride. It was then I started thinking about it and went outside to talk to her. I told her that I normally kept my phone in the locker but, for some reason, I felt that I should keep with me. I went on to explain how sometimes we feel as though we live in an uncaring world, but I feel that sometime, such as having my phone with me when she needed it, was a way that God uses to tell us that he cares about even the small details of our lives. I went on to explain that she is an important person as well as to take care of herself. Even though I did not know what she was thinking, she seemed to agree. I do not know where this will go for her, but I feel as though I did what I needed to and now I will pray for her.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:33:36 +0000

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