God does work in mysterious ways, and here is why I believe that. - TopicsExpress


God does work in mysterious ways, and here is why I believe that. Today, was not a good day from the start in all areas of my life from the most pettiest to the most complex. First off, its a Monday. That in itself is warrant for when things can go wrong, they usually will motto. Lol. Friends, things just did not go well from the moment my feet hit the floor this morning .... from getting ready for work, to actually making it there on time and in one piece, dealing with all the hectic craziness of a busy office on a Monday morning, dealing with the setbacks of two separate appointments my hubby had today & worrying about him, talking to a friend and neighbor who is dealing with the heaviest of medical cases no one should ever have to go through, all the while thinking about the support group I signed up for which was to start one hour after work, and so, and so on, and so on. Because I live under a rock and am too busy to watch the news, I first learned amongst friends/colleagues at lunch today of the tragic story of the local community Gutzler family airplane crash and how the only survivor was a 7-year-old little girl that bravely walked to a strangers house (which was not close by) immediately after the crash for help. She lost her mom, her dad, her sister and her 13-year-old cousin. After getting it all straight in my mind about who was related to who, who survived, how it happened, etc, something came over me that hit me like a ton of bricks, and I had to excuse myself from where I was at that very moment because I bursted into tears. I cried and cried, and then of course that lead me to think of all the other very bad things that have happened in our community and neighboring counties within the past week (shootings, hold ups, etc.) and then I cried some more wondering what is happening to our world. I finally composed myself and got back to my desk. And then.................... ....there was this little boy I guess to be about 7-years-old and his mama waiting for me to get done with the patient I was in the midst of currently waiting on. The little boy was sitting patiently in one chair with his coat half way on, his sock cap on crooked, his mittens dangling on his legs, and swaying his feet back and forth while his mother, although seeming (or that is the perception I had of it) to have a look on her face that said, Come on, hurry up. I dont have time for this, was patiently waiting as well. Time kept ticking on. I was becoming agitated fearing the mom was gonna get up and walk out on me. So as I was sitting in my chair waiting for my current patient to finish filling out their paperwork, I smiled cheerfully and waved to this little boy through the glass walls, and he waved back to me. I then gave the mom a look that communicated to her I am sorry. Hang in there. Ill be with you in a moment. Finally, it was their turn to come in. The whole while it took to make their appt and pass out their paperwork, the little boy sat once again patiently and well behaved behind my desk hidden from my view by the two monitors on my desk. When I was finally done, I wished them a good day and said goodbye when totally unexpectedly the little boy walked over to me, gave me a hug and said, I like you. I was so surprised and proceeded to hug him back and thank him when he hugged me again and then kissed me on the cheek and said, I really like you. Well, that just made me cry all over again, but this time it was tears of thank You, God, for giving us the light and love in our world that is right before our very eyes every single day even though we dont always see it or are just too busy to acknowledge it. They are our angels in disguise! That little boy made my day, and forever left a footprint on my heart. This same kind of thing has happened in only two other instances in my life when I was at my lowest depths of despair which I shall never, ever forget, and both times involved little children as well of the age of 2 and 4. I know because I asked. Perhaps there have been many other instances as well, but because my life was going right or well enough, I was too busy to stop to notice and pay attention. I firmly believe that God sent me these little angels to give me a message that hope exists in this chaotic, crazy, beautiful, and lovely world afterall.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:45:49 +0000

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