God has a plan In Jeremiah 29:11 the word of God says. For I - TopicsExpress


God has a plan In Jeremiah 29:11 the word of God says. For I know the thoughts I have towards you. Thoughts to prosper you and not to harm you. To give you a hope and an expected end If God knows what we need before we ask, then why do we wonder if things will work out? Simply put we want to be in control. It breaks us of trying to do it on our own when things happen that we had no control over in the first place. Pastor Wesley S. Holmes last night, preached about how God uses your current circumstance to place you exactly were you need to be. Simply put, God has a plan. In the pain, God has a plan. In the loss, God has a plan. In the struggle, God has a plan. Romans 8:28. And God causes All things to work together for good to them that love him and that are called according to his purpose. Notice he said ALL THINGS!! If God is for you, then WHO can be against you? If you are facing it that means God allowed it. If he allowed it then he has a plan for it. And if He who knows the stars by name and the hairs on your head he knows the number of. Then why do you doubt your current situation is to hard for him? My fiancée bought me a wallet. And on it is this scripture. Mark 9:23 Everything is possible to him who believes. If its money, if its healing. If its a job. If its a relationship. What ever it is you need know that God has it. Is there anything too hard for God?? The only limitation to your breakthrough is you? Stop letting the enemy hold you back. If God said it then brother/sister you can take it to the bank it will happen. God told me Jenny Smith was the one that he had sent for me. Even before she knew. I boldly told her that she was mine. That we would get married. Yes, she looked at me funny and was like ok, you have fun with that. God has to talk to me about that. I told her I loved her first. Knowing she liked me but thinking ok God. She isnt ready to hear this. All my life I waited to find my true love. And I knew she was to be mine. God had said. I had to go through a process of waiting that was hard. However tell me my God doesnt answer your prayers. Not only did she tell me she loved me, but Im marrying her in 3 months. Gods word came true. There simply put is nothing too hard for God. Trust in the lord with all your heart. Lean not to your own understanding. But in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path. So, what are you waiting on? Keep praying and keep hoping. Never give up hope.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:14:34 +0000

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