God has blessed me incredibly with a wonderful wife and a quiver - TopicsExpress


God has blessed me incredibly with a wonderful wife and a quiver full of kids. From Travis, my first and the one to whom I gave my name, to Zoe, my only girl, to Michael, the one who looks just like me, God has blessed me with three who have not only made my job as their Dad easier, but have also set great examples for the younger three to follow. The younger three, with their unique personalities, are a blessing in each of their own special ways. Whether its Daviss fighting spirit that has allowed him to thrive in spite of the asthma and lung problems which would have stopped lesser men in their tracks, the way Jacob went from baby of the family to awesome big brother seemingly in an instant, or the way Tony has redefined what our family is, completing what we didnt realize was incomplete; the three of them give me great hope that they will bring just as much honor and joy as their older triumverate of siblings! I often say that all of my children are turning out better than their raising, but thats not true at all. God has given me a wonderful partner in raising these 6 awesome kids. Courtney Childs Johnson, though 4 of the 6 do not carry her DNA, could not possibly be a better Mom to our expansive brood! Most women have their hands full with one or two, but she masterfully mothers 5 teenagers and a toddler (ok, so Jacob is only 12 but hes close enough). Whether its her attentive way of listening to the seemingly endless stories of teen drama, what if scenarios, and why questions of a curious toddler; or the skillful way she mends the wounds, both physical (5 boys = a whole lot of those) and emotional, she is both tireless and amazing! God has blessed me abundantly with a help-mate who balances out my shortcomings in the most beautiful way! To my family; it is you who makes life worth living and who makes me strive to be a better man. While it is not possible that I could ever be worthy of having you in my life, I will spend every moment I have left on the earth trying to get close! I love each one of you more than you could possibly imagine, thank you for loving me too! PS. I would be remiss if I didnt also include the role Valerie and Jeff have played in the lives of Travis, Michael, and Davis. Though we dont always agree on the small stuff, one could never doubt that they have only the best interest of the boys in their hearts. Jeff and Courtney are definitive proof that God will turn our failures into blessings we could never imagine!
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 05:04:34 +0000

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