God interfered with my dreams, made them big - Kwasi Twum In a - TopicsExpress


God interfered with my dreams, made them big - Kwasi Twum In a thanksgiving service Wednesday morning, CEO of Multimedia Group Limited, Kwasi Twum, was joined by some 120 friends, business partners and clients to demonstrate that God’s goodness was not as simple as his plain white dress. Multimedia’s annual thanksgiving services are not new. But this one seized the opportunity to be special. It is a warm up to a great year in which Ghana’s biggest private media conglomerate will mark its 20th anniversary. Bishop James Saah of Christian Action Faith Ministries topped the line-up of pastors which included Joyce Aryee, Reverend Ransford Abossey and Pastor Ato Acquah. Ecobank CEO Samuel Ashittey, CAL Bank big gun Frank Adu were notable in a line-up of big business – And CEO of automobile company,Tanink, Roger Klogo. And Gabby Adjetey captained a list of pioneering media staff. The late Komla Dumor would have been hovering around his darling brand Joy FM that made him a darling to everybody else. In a time of worship, Pastor Ato Acquah showed why it just had to be him on the itinerary. He pushed an audience of buisnessmen many of whom would have most likely skipped quiet time, to dig out from within, a heart of worship. Over four songs rolled off Pastor Ato pretty seamlessly. He is gifted. But as a host of Joy Time in His Presence for many years, he led the worship as one who knows and belongs and is bound to the Multimedia history and family in more than one intricate place. So yes, He didn’t look hired. He looked honoured. Bishop James Saah refused to call his delivery, a sermon. But well a compressed sermon is what we commonly call ‘a word of exhortation’. That was what he gave. And boy o boy. It was the most inspiring 20-minutes peek into the mind of God concerning how you will turn out in the future. Quick to strip everyone of every sense of achievements and tittles, the Bishop reminded his august audience that it was not what one has or does that is important but who one is. A simple truth that today’s generation has abandoned so that rich thieves are protected and penniless honesty is punished and hunted down. He said everybody has something in him generally described as a sovereign foundation. You can call it bloodline traits, ancestral influence, consistently inherited habits called genes. But through education, experience and the Grace of God everybody could fulfill his potential and make it to heaven. But be careful – things in your sovereign foundation could club you off the pinnacle of your success – if you don’t deal with it today. Moses had an anger problem demonstrated in the unprovoked murder of an Egyptian but his failure to deal with this surface at the height of his success. So that in one moment of madness, he struck a rock twice after God had instructed him to do so once. His punishment is a proverb and a lyric in many songs. “Your eyes will see the promise land of Cannan, but you will not set a foot there. Deal with things in your sovereign foundation or you can be sure – they will deal with you. Food for thought. No. It was a buffet for life-long thinking. Outwardly solemn and sober during the service, but inwardly surprised, Kwasi Twum gave a speech that gave away deep springs of gratitude in his heart. “The team of 12, twenty years ago has multiplied to a team of over 600”, the audience mumbled as the fact sank in. Many had calculative minds, and salaries, overhead cost and budgets may have unconsciously rolled out in their minds to analyze what it means to build the biggest private media brand in Ghana. Kwasi continued “ I know some will say ‘Well Kwasi you have been lucky’: others may say, Isn’t it hardwork combined with business smarts?” But Kwasi knew that Multimedia is more than a product of brains and brawns. The odd has been God. “What are the odds that you would name your business Multimedia when all you were thinking of was setting up a radio station? I had no idea then, of online media as a business, I had not dreamt of operating TV, and of course, this being 1994, social media had not even been invented” In short, Kwasi Twum had a dream, but God intervened and made it big. Big in a way only former Greater Accra Regional minister, Sheik I.C Quaye could sentimentally communicate – “The dream is big oo, it is big”. But even in his speech, you could see Kwasi who began MGL in his 30’s was still dreaming in his 50’s. “By the grace of God, I know we shall gather again in 30 years to celebrate our Golden Jubilee”. And by the phrase ‘gather again’ he did not mean on the 3rd floor of the Trust Towers building at Adabaraka in Accra. He meant Multimedia’s own corporate head office. Why does he think he can do this? Why does he believe it is possible? Isn’t he tired of dreaming, building, planning, leading? A part of his speech, gave away an answer “Because those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint, Isaiah 40:31” At the Corporate Office on that 3rd floor housing Multimedia, there is a plaque that read “Christ @ work”. And as the over 120 guest filed out after 10:00am, they would have each seen it and muttered, “You bet He is”.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 16:15:01 +0000

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