God is Love And So Am I By brother dino Speak forth the - TopicsExpress


God is Love And So Am I By brother dino Speak forth the following scripture affirmation and make it personal saints: God is love! I am a child of God born of Water and of Spirit! Therefore, I am love! I am patient, I am kind. I do not envy, I do not boast, I am not proud. I am not rude, I am not self-seeking, I am not easily angered, I keep no record of wrongs done to me. I do not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth. I always protect, always trust, always hope, always persevere. I am Love and with God as my Father, I never fail! (based on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8) Now, be sure to press on to The Mark (becoming ever-more like Y’Shua aka Jesus each and every day) and love on everyone that Abba (Papa) brings your way, to minister to (selflessly serve in love as unto The Lord) today and every day! Let your light shine saints of El Elyon (God Most High) that men might see your good works and glorify our Father Who is in heaven, in Y’Shua’s (Jesus’) name! Amen and Amen and it is so! And it is good! Hallelu-YAH! Beloved if you are not in formal discipleship being washed by the water of The Word and transformed by the renewing of your mind, learning to obey all that He commanded and equipped for the work of the ministry… then I urge you to contact me now and begin discipleship today! FOR TOMORROW IS PROMISED TO NO MAN! Be all that Abba (Papa) created you to be and fulfill your calling, purpose and destiny to bring Him evermore glory in Y’Shua’s (Jesus’) name! Hallelu-YAH! Please share this message and do your part to help advance The Kingdom of Heaven! © Copyright 1985-2014 – brother dino - All Rights Reserved While everything The Holy Spirit inspires me to write is under full copyright protection, the only purpose is to make sure people copy it right. As long as you always clearly reference it as my work including my copyright statement at the bottom, keep it in its entirety without editing of any kind and link it to facebook/brotherdino as the source, you have my permission to copy, print, and distribute my writings freely, as long as it is not for profit. If you wish to use my writings in a profit making capacity then permission must be granted by the author.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 00:32:35 +0000

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