God is Not a Solution But a Problem " ~ OSHO :- Q.:- OSHO, DO YOU - TopicsExpress


God is Not a Solution But a Problem " ~ OSHO :- Q.:- OSHO, DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT GOD DOES NOT EXIST? OSHO:- I do not believe that God does not exist, I know for sure He does not exist. And thank God that he does not exist – because the existence of God would have created so many problems, difficulties, that life would have been almost impossible. You may not have looked at it from the angle from which I am going to talk to you – perhaps nobody has ever tried to look at it from this angle. The Christians say that God created the world. In fact, the hypothesis of God is needed for the creation. The world is there; somebody must have created it. Whoever created it, that creator is God. But do you see the implication? If the world is created, then there can be no evolution: Evolution means that creation continues. Think of the Christian story. God created the world in six days, and then on the seventh day He rested; since then He has been resting. The whole creation was completed in six days. Now, from where can evolution possibly appear? Creation means: finished! – the full stop has arrived. On the sixth day, the full stop; and after that there is no possibility of evolution. Evolution implies that creation is not complete, hence the possibility of evolving. But God cannot create an incomplete world; that will be going against God’s nature. He is perfect, and whatsoever He does is perfect, neither He is evolving, nor is the world evolving: everything is at a standstill, dead. This is the reason why the popes were against Charles Darwin, because that man was bringing in an idea which is going to kill God sooner or later. Those popes were perceptive in a way: they could see the faraway implications of the idea of evolution. Ordinarily you would not connect creation and evolution. What connection is there between God and Charles Darwin? There is a connection. Charles Darwin is saying that the creation is an ongoing process, that existence is always imperfect, that it is never going to be perfect; only then can it go on evolving, reaching new peaks, new dimensions, opening new doors, new possibilities. God had finished His work in six days and not long ago: four thousand and four years before Jesus Christ was born. It must have been the first of January, a Monday, because we manage to fit God into everything that we have created. He has to follow our calendar. If you ask me, I will say it must have been Monday, the first of April, April Fools’ Day, because that day seems to be absolutely suitable for doing such an act of creating a complete ready-made existence. If evolution becomes impossible, life loses all meaning, life loses all future; then it has only a past. It is not unnatural that religious people are constantly past-oriented – they have only the past. Everything has been already done; there is nothing to be done in the future, the future is empty, blank, and yet you have to live in that future. Everything that had to happen happened four thousand and four years before Jesus was born. After that there has been no addition, no evolution, no development. God created the world just as a potter creates a pot, a dead thing out of mud. But you have to remember, the potter can destroy the pot any moment. If you give the power of creation to God, you are simultaneously giving Him the power of un-creation too. These are the implications that have not been looked into. God can un-create. April Fools’ Day comes every year; any year on the first of April He can un-create. At the very most it may take six days again. The very idea that you have been created makes you a thing, it takes away your being. You can be a being only if there is no God. God and you as a being, cannot coexist. That’s why I say I am sure God does not exist, because I see beings everywhere. The presence of beings is enough proof that God does not exist, cannot exist. Either you can exist or God can exist; you both cannot exist. The person who starts believing in God, unknowingly is losing his beinghood; he is becoming a thing. So there are Christian things, Hindu things, Mohammedan things, but not beings. They have dropped their being of their own accord; they have given their being to God. The fiction has become alive, and the alive has become a fiction. I am simply putting things right side up. When I say God does not exist, I have no grudge against God. I don’t care a bit about God, whether He exists or not – it is none of my business. When I say God does not exist, my purpose is to give you your lost beinghood; to show you that you are not a thing created by somebody arbitrarily. Why did He decide, on a certain day, four thousand and four years before Jesus was born, to create the world? What caused the idea of creation? Was there something else that was forcing Him to create? Was there some serpent seducing Him to create? Why on a certain day, and not before? I want you to see the point. It is arbitrary, whimsical. If the story is true, God is insane. What was He doing for the whole of eternity? – the idea of creation came so late to Him. The very idea of creation makes us arbitrary, whimsical, whereas evolution is not arbitrary, whimsical. Evolution is eternal; it has been always going on. There was not a time when existence was not, there will never be a time when existence will not be: Existence means eternity. God makes everything silly, small, arbitrary, meaningless, whimsical. Just that old man... and He must have been really old, really, really old, and then this idea of creation came to Him... and in six days He completed it. That’s why the popes were against Charles Darwin: "You are saying that it is not yet completed, it is evolving. You are against the Bible, the holy scriptures. You are against God, against the idea of creation.” Charles Darwin was saying simply, "I am not against any God, I don’t know any God.” He was a very fearful person, and he was a Christian. He used to pray; in fact he started to pray more after he wrote the theory of evolution. He became very much afraid: who knows, perhaps he was doing something against God. He had believed that God created the world, but the facts of nature were telling a different story – everything is evolving, life is never the same again. So if anybody believes in God, he cannot believe that you are a being. Only things are created; they have a beginning and an end – beings are eternal. ~ OSHO, From Ignorance to Innocence Q.1, Ch.#8 : God is not a solution but a problem 6 December 1984
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:43:24 +0000

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