God is Up to Something! ~ Tony Cossey Some of you already - TopicsExpress


God is Up to Something! ~ Tony Cossey Some of you already know that late Saturday night or early Sunday morning (whichever you wish to call it)... I had a dream that was very powerful to me. For those that did not know... here is what I posted about it on my profile: I went to bed last night around 1:30 am... I could not fall asleep. I laid there in the dark and started softly singing the song that God gave me. I sang it many times and it gave me peace and joy but did not bring me sleep. Then I began to pray... talking to God. I wasnt complaining about anything... wasnt asking Him why about anything. I just asked Him to heal all my friends with medical issues... asked Him to show me what He wants me to do next... told Him that no matter what, I want to serve Him in any way possible. Then I stopped talking... just waiting... hoping to hear from God. To hear anything... to feel anything... it seems as though during that time, I fell asleep. During that sleep, I had a dream... a very vivid dream. I will share that dream with you now... In the beginning of the dream, I was wearing a blue robe and I was driving a blue truck. I drove up to a barn. I got out of the car and entered the barn. Inside the barn, I came to a door. I opened the door and walked through only to find another door. I ended up walking through 8 doors. After the eighth door I came into a large room. There was a very large table in this room. Around the table were 13 chairs... 6 on each side and one at the head. There was no one in the room besides me. I sat down in one of the chairs nearest me on one of the sides of the table. Then through the door came 12 people... men and women. They were all wearing purple robes. One of the men had me stand up and took me to the head of the table and sat me there. He then touched my robe and it also turned purple. The people all began setting the table. They first placed a large purple tablecloth on the table. Then placed golden plates, goblets, and utensils in front of each chair.... including mine. They left and came back and covered the table with all kinds of food in gold pans and serving dishes. Then they all sat down at the table... 6 men on one side and 6 women on the other side. None of them spoke the entire time at this point. We ate of the banquet of food before us. Then the 12 people arose and began to clear the table. Once the table was cleared... they led me back through the doors but we came out in a large hall... like you would find in a castle. They took me to the other end of the hall where a gigantic lion sat. The Lion was wearing a crown so splendid and ornate that words cannot describe it. I was standing before the Lion and it opened its mouth... I expected a roar. Instead I heard a voice that I not only heard but felt throughout my body. The lion said, This is my secret place that you have been seeking. Then a gigantic eagle flew down from somewhere above and dropped a golden sword at my feet. The Lion told me that is was for me. I picked it up. I could feel something like an electrical surge going through it... nothing painful though. The Lion then came down and asked me to walk with Him. We walked and He said that He had heard my prayers and that this is a new day for me. He said that He has sent an army of people to cover me. He told me that there is power in the song that He gave me to sing and that each time I sang it that I was releasing more anointing. He led me to another door and before I opened it, He said, Your faith is strong... you are loved... you are a warrior. Then the door opened and I walked through it. I was back inside the barn. This time there were people coming in and out of the barn. They were carrying things. I went out to my truck... but in its place was a larger truck and now it was purple. The people from the barn were loading the back of my truck... it was overflowing when a man came up to me and handed me keys. They were keys to the new truck. This was when I woke up. I have had many cool dreams... but this was the best one yet. I felt so much hope than ever before when I woke up. Peace overwhelmed me. I felt as though God and I could conquer anything! Then I began to sing the song God gave me... over and over. Then later on Sunday afternoon, this is what happened. I laid down earlier for a nap and ended up sleeping three hours. Before I got so sleepy, I was praying again. I have some immediate needs that I was asking God to provide provision for. Then I became very sleepy... incredibly sleepy so I went and laid down. I fell asleep instantly. I had another dream. Not like the one last night... a completely different dream. I was standing in an empty warehouse. On each of the four walls was painted the number 17 in very large numbers. Then I heard a loud doorbell sound. I looked around and did not see a normal door. I saw a large flashing button that said OPEN so I pressed it. All at once 17 garage doors opened 5 on one wall and 4 on each of the others. People started coming in the garage doors... lots of people. They started coming towards me and formed a line. They each came up to me and hugged me and then handed me something. Each was handing me one or more gold coins... each one had the number 17 on it. I placed them in a a large wooden barrel that was beside me. It filled up and another barrel appeared. This continued for what seemed to be some time. I woke up while this was going on. Now, I believe a lot of this I understand... but does anyone know what the relevance of the number 17 is? It was very prevalent in the dream. Any help on this would be appreciated. Two different people sent me this about the number 17... In the Bible the number 17 symbolizes overcoming the enemy and complete victory. God is up to something! And Im liking the way it feels!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 16:59:59 +0000

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