God is crying with us Binhi sang Pagtuo August 18, 2014 - TopicsExpress


God is crying with us Binhi sang Pagtuo August 18, 2014 Dear Friends, Greetings! One of the long-time janitors of CPU (since 1976), Mr. Asuero Totik Quimba, died last week. In the vigil service, my reflection was based on the shortest verse in the Bible -- John 11:35 Jesus wept. The meaning of this verse to us is that Jesus cries with us in our sorrows. Our God is not a distant God but a close and personal God. Jesus is telling us that it is natural and healthy to cry and feel the pain. Let me share 3 things on how to deal with pain and loss: First, Confront the loss and the pain. We need to let the pain out and let the tears fall down. Let us never be afraid to cry. Let us not hesitate to tell somebody that we are sad. Second, Remember the good memories that you have with your loved one and continue the legacy. Let us save the things that make the memories of our loved one come alive. Let us not wallow in regret and feel guilty about what could have been. We cannot really turn back the clock. Third, Know and realize that time will help in healing all wounds. Our emotional recovery varies from one person to another. Let us give ourselves adequate time to heal. Let us not rush away from grief but also realize that we should not stay on it. Our God, who grieves with us, is always with us. May God bless us all! Sincerely, Rev. Francis Neil G. Jalando-on Archive: binhisangpagtuo.wordpress
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 12:29:22 +0000

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