God is obliged to work in our lives when we ve a pure faith. He is - TopicsExpress


God is obliged to work in our lives when we ve a pure faith. He is nt please when we doubt Him cos doing so is like saying God you are a liar and you cannt do wht u promises in ur words. We need to believe in God beyond circumstances, in order to see His power being manifested in our lives. The Bible clearly stated tht God is not a son of man tht He should lie, and it further emphasised tht he who doubts shall not expect to get anything from God. All those who ar spiritually mature understand tht the devil(satan) works with doubt in order to mke God look like a failure bfr men. Doubt is th grtst weapon th dvl uses cos he knws tht whr doubt is, fear is in control, and whr thr is fear ther is less success. If one looks at hw th dvl cme to tempt Eve, he uses words of doubt first by sayng, did God really say if u eat of tht tree u ll die? Th ky wrds really and if dvlp doubt in ones mnd. Such wrds md Eve to fell on th trp of satn and disoby God. Frm thr suffering of men began. Tht shws us tht whn we dont oby God, we end up losing and suffring. Wth th sm trick, th dvl temptd Jesus, IF u ar th son of God, thn turn ths stn into bread or thrw urslf dwn frm th top of the tmpl, fr God ll snd His angel to tk chrge ovr u,lst u dash ur feet on stn. Al th dvl wntd ws fr Jesus to apparently prove hm wrng tht He is nt a sn of God, th dvl knwng precisely well tht it ws nt th wl of God to test Him in such way. Wth God, things wrk accrdng to His will. Tody th dvl contnue to use th sm trck of puttng doubt in ppls mnd: Does God really exist? Do u really thnk thr is heavn, hell, judgement to come? Com on, jst enjy ur lif as mch as u wnt. Al ths thngs ar tales. In fact ths ar ppls opinions to cntrl u nt to enjy urslf freely. WELL, let us nt forgt satan is a fathr of all lies and knwng abt hs missn to steal, kill and dstry and tht hs aldy cndmnd, h is frustrtd to lead mny to hell. Learn to doubt th doubt tht th dvl brngs ur wy. Knw ur value bfr God and fght to poses His promis by Faith!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 20:57:20 +0000

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